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Healthy habits that make me feel better

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Tampa chapter.


I first gave journaling a try when I was dealing with anxious thoughts and stress. I must admit that at first, I wasn’t sure how writing down things that have been bothering you can help me feel better, but it really did work. If I just choose a nice journal and write every day at least one full page about the things that I need to get off my chest, or something I am grateful for, how did my day go, it will help me to feel better. Then I close the journal and feel like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders. Sometimes writing my thoughts down can even help me to find a solution once I see it on the paper. Journaling can help me get some clarity or de-stress before going to bed, or set intentions for the day in the morning.

Moving my body

When I sit for too long or lay in my bed on a lazy Sunday, I feel my body craving some type of movement. Whether it is just an easy stretch, yoga, going for a run, or doing a workout, exercising will help me feel better physically and emotionally. I will also feel much better when I move my body. Sometimes my back can hurt or my neck and shoulders are tense from stress. By moving, it makes me feel more relaxed but also strong.

Healthy food

I must admit that my diet has gotten worse since I moved to college. Campus food can get boring and sometimes I don’t feel like eating healthy. But it is true that if I eat unhealthily and a lot of sugar, it may make me feel good for a moment, but in the long run, it doesn’t really give me anything. When I switch my breakfast to avocado toast or cereal with fruits, I feel much better and filled with good vitamins. Skipping meals is also not very good for our bodies and it can make us feel even more stressed and on edge. 

Listening to music

Music is known for being a good way to improve our mood. Sometimes I just listen to music and observe or watch the views or sunsets. Listening to music is a great way to decrease our stress levels.

Natalie is a sophomore at the University of Tampa, currently as a Journalism major. She is from Prague in the Czech Republic and loves to write, do yoga, travel and explore the city with her friends.