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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Tampa chapter.

Going to the gym for the first time may be one of the scariest, most confusing situations. Imagine this, you walk into the gym and see about a hundred males and women who you think know what they are ‘doing’. To a “newbie” it may seem like those muscular, bulky people know completely how to do all types of workouts. But really, those groups of people might just have confidence. Having confidence in what you are doing at the gym plays a big role in a person’s mindset.

Once someone realizes that no one is really looking at you, you have entered a new level of confidence that will stick with you through your months/years of working out. I can say that when I first started working out, it wasn’t pretty. I would like to think I knew what I was doing but I did not. I then would watch Youtube videos, use Google Images and very discreetly watch certain workouts I saw other people doing around me. Going through many months of figuring out the best workouts for my body, I now have a great amount of confidence in the gym. I now strive to help my friends or anyone who needs help figuring out where to start.

Hi! My name is Justice Pautz, I am a freshman at The University of Tampa! I am currently a communications major and hope to one day work for a newspaper/magazine company in a large city. On my free time, I love to journal and go to the gym!