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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Tampa chapter.

Why is it that we are the generation of fast fashion? Is it because of the ever-changing trends and aesthetics created by a generation addicted to social media? One day, it’s the ‘clean-girl aesthetic,’ and the next, it’s fur jackets and red lipstick, and we’re entering our ‘mob wife era.’

In my feature writing class, I wrote my research paper on the harmful effects of fast fashion. I was shocked by what I was reading, yet I still find myself browsing on sites like Shein, Edikted, and Zara. In the world that we live in, trends continue to go in and out like crazy, and I believe social media is the one to blame. 

Trends have always been going in and out of style for years, but with the evolution of social media and the introduction to fast fashion, it has become extreme. I find myself falling victim to fast fashion since I don’t want to wear items that I’m already photographed in on my socials. 

Purchasing timeless pieces and building a capsule wardrobe are both ways to combat fast fashion, but oftentimes, these pieces are pricier, and let’s face it, as college students, we don’t have the money to spend. While filling your Shein cart with endless cute tops and bikinis seems like the right option to stay on top of the trends, we need to think about what we are doing to our environment. 

Trend-based consumption is a major driver of fast fashion. These companies that produce fast fashion are worth billions since they allow mainstream consumers to purchase the hottest new looks at an affordable price. It’s obvious why these brands have gained so much attention in recent years, with the popularity of TikTok skyrocketing. TikTok fuels a rise of new aesthetics, and it’s impossible to keep up with what’s trending at an affordable cost.  

Most fast fashion brands exist entirely online, which is another factor that makes them so appealing to the younger generation. It’s so easy nowadays to shop online, and TikTok has introduced TikTok Shop, which allows users to purchase items right from their favorite content creator account. 

The cheap overseas labor and synthetic textiles are what allow brands to keep prices so low. The garments produced by fast fashion companies are only designed to be worn a couple of times since they are poorly made and not sustainable. Fast fashion has also been referred to as ‘disposable fashion’ since most consumers only wear their purchases for a special occasion and then never again. 

In most cases, consumers pay little attention to the fact that the perfect outfit for a night out relies on pollution, waste, low wages, child labor, and unsafe working conditions. The list of why fast fashion is bad goes on and on. These companies rely heavily on international shipping, and in the process, harmful greenhouse gases are released into the earth’s atmosphere. A lot of times, toxic dyes and microfibers are released in waterways, harming land and marine life in the process. Not to mention, a lot of companies have hired children as their source of labor. It takes a lot of work to keep up with the high demand, and society tends to brush under the rug the aspect of child labor. These children are underpaid and working in extremely poor working conditions. The next time you’re scrolling on Shein, it’s important to think about what is going into your trendy clothing. 

Social media influencers portray their lives as perfect online and make their audience believe they need to purchase certain items to achieve their look/lifestyle. I think social media is great. I love the opportunities it has provided our world with, and I think it’s a fun way to show your life to the world. It’s crazy to believe that companies are hiring employees primarily to create social media content, but it allows endless opportunities for creativity. While I enjoy making my ‘get ready with me’ videos and showing viewers a ‘day in my life,’ I can also see how the evolution of social media has caused a lot of negativity in our society. We watch these influencers and try to seek what they have, which has spiked the consumption of fast fashion tremendously. 

So now that I’ve covered how fast fashion is bad and why we should stay off social media, how can we fix the negative? Purchasing timeless pieces has really changed the way I dress. It honestly is better because you look more chic and put together. Instead of wearing a poorly made top, I try to purchase good quality clothing. It can oftentimes be pricey, but ultimately, it is a better investment. Thrifting is another way to combat fast fashion. It’s fun to go searching through the thrift store for good vintage items. It’s exciting when you browse a thrift store and can find amazing pieces and give them a new life. My friends and I also love to share clothes. What may seem old to you is brand new to someone else. When you’re getting sick of your wardrobe, instead of just throwing them away, share them with friends, donate to your local thrift store, or sell them on a local Facebook page! 

Olivia Fleming is a writer for the Her Campus at Tampa chapter. Her articles cover fashion, pop culture and the entertainment industry. Beyond Her Campus, Olivia is a current junior at The University of Tampa studying journalism, advertising and public relations. She holds the alumnae chair position in her sorority, Sigma Delta Tau. She also writes for UT's newsletter, The Minaret. She is currently working at Evolve & Co. as a social media management intern and loves every minute of it. She enjoys spending time with friends, shopping, and exploring different cities. You can find Olivia working at Buddy Brew Coffee in Armature Works! She loves to try different coffee shops to sit down and crank out some work. Her dream job would be to work in the fashion industry writing for a magazine.