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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Tampa chapter.

Sometimes making friends in college can be hard and a weird process. Finding friends who actually stick and not just come and go can take a while and you may lose friends at times but the ones who will stick will just come out of nowhere. Honestly, those can be the best friendships especially if everything clicks from the start. This is what happened with my friend group.

During the first semester of college, I had a lot of acquaintances who I would talk to when I saw them but many were not considered actual friends. I had my roommate who is still one of my closest friends today and the two friends that she made who I would hang out with. My second semester is when I found my chaotic group of friends even if it did not start out that way. It started in my AWR 101 class during the second class when a new girl transferred into the section and sat right next to me. We started talking to each class about the quiz that we would have every Thursday on what we had to read for homework. After a few classes, we started talking to two other students before class started about what we thought was gonna be on the quiz. Little did I know I would end up stuck with them for a while, technically not by choice, which we still joke about today. As the semester went on, the bond between the four of us started to grow, and we started hanging out outside of the classroom. Around April is when we welcomed essentially the rest of the group into the chaos.

We had our first major game night in McKay and one girl invited 4 other people to play a game with us and it kinda just spiraled from there. We created a giant group chat for game night, which has had many name changes since that night, to plan the next chaos night as I call it. Over the summer, the group chat was pretty quiet as people texted separately, but once school started it was always active and has not stopped since. Of course, we have had some people come and go but with all the people who have not been a prominent part or left the ones who have been since the start essentially have grown closer with each other and one or two people who came later. I have personally come out of my shell a lot as the first few hangouts I was essentially the quiet one, and now I am almost always in the middle of the chaos as I start it with two other people most of the time. My best friend in the group and I are essentially attached at the hip, and everyone is surprised when we don’t show up together, and we tell each other everything which has given us a few nicknames overtime. 

 The Psycho Duo as we are called has essentially created an analogy for our friend group. We have said that the group is like a puzzle, you have your four corners who are the four of us that met in AWR because a puzzle needs the four corners as a foundation. The ones who came in around April are the side pieces as they are the important parts to hold the puzzle together. The middle pieces are bonds with everyone and memories made that connect everyone. Obviously, there are people who don’t exist in the puzzle, but who everybody considers friends; they aren’t always there. Then there are the pieces that just don’t fit in the puzzle, which are the people who have left because they just didn’t mess with the group.

You could be considered lucky if you make a friend group that just sticks from the beginning. Yeah, people may leave along the way, but it makes everyone who stays that much closer, and those ones will be the ones who try to make a funny scene at the wedding by potentially bringing silly string as revenge for a Christmas party. My group may drive me crazy most of the time, but my college experience would be way different without them.

Maggie Twomey is the student government representative at the Her Campus at Tampa chapter. She mainly writes articles that cover entertainment and experiences. Outside of HerCampus, Maggie is a junior at the University of Tampa, majoring in Elementary Education. She has worked as a summer camp counselor in the past for grades third, fourth, and fifth and is currently interning at schools in the Tampa area. Maggie enjoys traveling, reading, and painting in her free time. Usually Maggie finds herself reading or listening to a book. You will find that when Maggie is reading she always has a fantasy novel in her hand.