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Everyday is Like Valentine’s Day to Me

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Tampa chapter.

I really do not like Valentine’s Day, but it is not because I am bitter and think no one loves me. In fact, I do not like the holiday because of the fact that I am surrounded by people who love me and that I love right back.

As college students, we do a lot of waiting. Waiting for this College Algebra class to be over, waiting for the weekend, waiting to get the address to the party, and then waiting for it to get busted once we get there. Waiting, waiting, waiting… We all fall into these silly little habits of wasting our time by waiting for something to do with all of it. Love and showing our love is not something we should ever wait for.

Not having a Valentine is not the worst thing that can happen to you. Right now I am sitting in my dorm with five of my friends laughing, talking, and listening to music. It is the little things like this that show me I am loved. I do not need a giant teddy bear given to me on February 14th because at 2 in the morning if I am sad, my best friend Marisa comes into my room and hugs me; and that is better than any over stuffed and over priced plush toy someone could buy me.

If you are feeling lonely on Valentine’s Day, then you are walking through life with your eyes closed. There are 364 other days in the year where you have a chance to fall in love or wear that pretty dress or kiss that pretty boy. You don’t need some Hallmark card and assorted chocolates to make every day of your life special. If you want candy so bad, go get some! And while you are at it, buy some for your friends too. Do not wait for someone to bring you the things you want. Go out and get them yourself. Do not wait for Valentine’s Day to fall in love. Fall for the little moments and the little things everyday of your life. This will make you much happier than wearing uncomfortable heels to some fancy dinner where you order a boring Caesar salad. Trust me.

Photo Sources: 1, 2