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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Tampa chapter.

Christmas time is upon us. The time when we get to decorate the tree, spend time with family, and stress over what to give someone for the holiday season. 

All jokes aside, Christmas is one of my favorite times of the year. One of my favorite aspects is all the holiday activities that you can do during the season. However, my Christmas might seem a bit different than some. 

I was born and raised in Louisiana. The only snow we get is once every seven years and the coldest it gets is in the 40s. Doesn’t that just get you in the jolly spirit?

Although my Christmas is quite different than most, there are still so many things I love to do during the holidays.

Christmas in the Oaks

Okay, so this is more specifically in New Orleans, but this is still such a fun event. New Orleans has a well-known park called City Park, and every year, they have a holiday event called Christmas in the Oaks. For this, you can walk around the park and see all the decorations and lights that they set up. Also, the park has a little amusement park in it, so there are a lot of activities to do in that area. The best part is going on a train and driving around all the lights in the trees. It is a great way to celebrate the season, and the best way to end the night is by getting a batch of beignets. 

Christmas Market

My hometown is located right on the lake in Louisiana. This area is called the Lakefront, and they usually have a lot of events that are fun to go to. One of these includes a Christmas market. Here, it displays many local artists and their creations. They also showcase a lot of different foods and drinks. This is a great place to get gifts for your friends and family. 

Christmas Parade

Now, this is not shocking for New Orleans. They always got a party for anything. During the holiday season, they have a parade called the Krewe of Jingle. It’s like Mardi Gras, but instead of purple and gold, it’s red and green. They have holiday-themed floats, and they even have Santa on his float towards the end of the route. 

Another thing I love to do is to go into the city and look at all the lights. One of the best displays of lights in the Roosevelt Hotel in the city. The hotel lobby is decorated head to toe in lights, and it is so beautiful to see. 

My Christmas might never have a flurry of snow like anywhere else. The closest I have ever gotten was a slight rain drizzle on Christmas Day. However, there are still things that get me excited for the season. The lights and the events around the city may be exciting, but being back home with family is one of the best things about it.

Kate Fassler is a writer for the Her Campus at Tampa chapter. Her articles talk about all things entertainment, whether that is movies, tv shows, music, or books. She is an Advertising and Public Relations major with an English minor at the University of Tampa. She is also from Louisiana (right outside of New Orleans). In her free time, she loves watching tv shows and movies, specifically reality tv. She also loves listening to music, going to concerts, and reading her fair share of romance and period drama books.