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Campus Cutie: Taylor Allman

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Tampa chapter.

Meet Taylor Allman, who is extremely honored to be our first lesbian campus cutie!

Age: 20

Year: Junior

Major/Minor: Communication/Government

On Campus Involvement: GLTSBA Pride President, Resident Assistant in Morsani, Sociology Club, Cage Desk Assistant

Do you work off campus? Yes – Barnes and Noble. You can usually find me in the sports or history section.

What do you want to be when you grow up? Work in politics and government, city council then moving onto mayor, possibly state congress and hopefully actual congress.

Favorite pick up line? I don’t need pick-up lines. I’m just that damn attractive, but if I had to use on it would be, “I’m not a photographer but I can picture you and me together.”

Favorite movie? Remember the Titans and Perks of Being a Wallflower

Favorite movie quote? “We accept the love we think we deserve.”

Tell me about your first kiss.  My first real kiss was when I was meeting my guy friend to exchange Christmas presents. After we exchanged presents, he just grabbed me and kissed me, it was totally unexpected. I was going for a hug and he went in for a kiss.

What is your go to make out song? Tessellate by Ellie Golding

Favorite social media to use: Tumblr-follow me: thechillgnome.tumblr.com

Favorite Color: Dark purple and yellow

What is your favorite junk food snack? Spicy Nacho Dorritos

Cookies or Cake? Cookies….oatmeal raisin, I’m a health nut

Dunkin Donuts or Starbucks? Starbucks

Favorite Disney Movie: Lilo and Stitch. I love the quote when stitch says “I have a family it may be broken but it’s good, still good.”

What is your favorite UT Moment? I like meeting a lot of people

What is your favorite Tampa spot? Curtis Hixon park a night because it’s so chill.

What is your favorite book? I don’t read much but I love suspense or mystery novels.

Favorite TV show? How I Met Your Mother and American Dad

What qualities do you find attractive? Loyalty, a sense of humor, and someone who is athletic.

First thing you notice about a girl? Usually her hair

Greatest Accomplishment at the young age of 20? Umm, I have been in a couple films that have been given awards at festivals, and I’ve made a couple too, not trying to brag or anything.

Favorite sport and team: Football…I love the Carolina Panthers

Fun Fact about yourself? I’ve never been on a plane, but I do go on crazy long walks. I’ve walked from UT to the airport and the USF/ Busch Gardens area.

Best Joke: Why couldn’t the prostitute work on North Howard? Because it’s called NoHo.

I enjoy rainy days more so than sunny ones, because I get to be inside with the people I care about the most. So next time it rains make sure to stop by Stadium and say hello; you’ll make my day.