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Campus Celebrity: Khadijah Khan

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Tampa chapter.

This week’s Campus Celebrity is Tarpon Springs, Florida native Khadijah Khan. She is currently a Freshman studying Communications with a minor in Political Science. When she isn’t busy with classes, Khadijah can be found with her ********** sisters, writing for the Minaret, assisting with the Moroccan Yearbook or participating in PEACE service projects. On top of that all, she is one of the Tau Kappa Epsilon Sweethearts and active in many other organizations. With what free time she has, Khadijah enjoys singing and dancing and can be found helping other people and philanthropies. But if all else fails and she cannot be found or contacted, you can bet she will be found at the Oxford Exchange enjoying a cup of tea.

Upon meeting Khadijah, one automatically knows that she is a very sweet and selfless individual. But after spending time with her, you learn how deeply rooted her kindness and mindset is. When asked any question about her personal self, her response included everyone before herself. Her biggest accomplishment, rather than being an award or special recognition, is the ability to brighten a person’s day every day. Whether the task is big or small, it brings her happiness to see those around her happy. 

In ten years, Khadijah will only become a better person. At roughly the age of twenty-eight, she is aspiring to be the Editor in Chief of the New York Times with a Pulitzer Prize. But wait a second ladies and gentlemen, she is not done there. Her biggest goal is to start her own philanthropy. While it is still in the works, she wants her philanthropy to be able to do anything for anyone. If it is anything like Khadijah herself, it is a sure sign that her philanthropy will have huge success helping those in need.

For those of you gentlemen still seeking a Valentine, it is with unfortunate news that I inform you that Khadijah already has plans that have been set in stone for many years now. On top of making goody bags for her sorority’s philanthropy, ****************, she plans to visit a local philanthropic organization and spend time with the people and children associated with it that day. One of her first and most memorable Valentine’s Day was spent at a local orphanage, where she crafted cards and goody bags for the orphans. But Khadijah did not stop there; instead of anonymously donating the items she made, she delivered them to the children and spent time with them afterwards. And while she loves the cute things that are done on Valentine’s Day, Khadijah believes that these things should be done daily. What a sweetheart!

When it comes to talking about the fun and silly things, Khadijah has cute, yet unique, responses to all. Her favorite colors are a three way tie between pink, blue, and yellow. She has performed at the Lincoln Center and the Grand Ol’ Opry for singing. She loves spontaneous trips and has visited the entire East Coast of the US, as well as Canada, Trinidad and Tobago. When asked why she wanted to be a journalist, Khadijah mentioned her dream to be like Lois Lane, Clark Kent and Peter Parker. While most others want to be the superhero, Khadijah wants to be the secret identity.  

Well there you go folks, Khadijah Khan! If there is anybody to befriend on this campus, it is without a doubt Khadijah. 

Emily Schonaerts is currently a Junior at the University of Tampa where she is studying Criminology and Psychology. While a St. Louis native and natural red head, she currently calls Orlando her home. When not focusing on academics, Emily can be found with her Alpha Chi Omega sisters crafting and promoting Greek unity or protecting the campus as a Desk Assistant at Campus Safety and Security.If not seen on campus, Emily can be found at Disney's Hollywood Studios giving tours into the movies at The Great Movie Ride! While only a part time Tour Guide, you can bet she is full of knowledge and fun facts about Disney and The Great Movie Ride-which is in fact a ride.Being a Junior means it is almost time to become a real adult, but for now, nothing is better than being an almost adult while still trying to figure out how to make a Criminology degree like a degree in Forensics."And I'll see you at the movies, the stuff dreams are made of."