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Birthright: My Travel To Israel

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Tampa chapter.

During winter break I had the amazing opportunity to fly to Israel for FREE. Free?  What is free now-a-days? Well, I am Jewish and there is a program that lets Jewish students go to Israel for free. This trip lasts for ten days. Ten days in Israel for free really exists? It’s called Birthright!

Leading up to the trip I was full of excitement, nervousness and curiosity because I did not know what to expect.  I was never religious growing up, but ever since I entered college, I became more in touch with my religion.  I joined Hillel at school and become very involved, which educated me about Birthright.

I went into this trip blind folded, only knowing a few people, which is terrifying! The trip included forty students, mostly from Southwest Florida, some from New York, and one from University of Florida. I drove to the airport on December 18th not knowing what to expect.  I met up with the entire group, the Rabbi and another “chaperone,” who is practically like our mother now.  I was also greeted by a Taglit (the program) member who asked me questions right from the start, such as “let me see your passport and have you ever been to Israel.” Not that these questions were intimidating, but his accent sure was!

After that was over, we all got to know each other for a long five hours in the airport before heading up into the air.  We all got lunch and charged our phones.  Mingled and before we knew it, we were boarding the plane. Nine long hours later, we landed in the Holy Land (Israel as most call it).  Running off the plane, we could barely hold in our excitement. Our journey up North officially began.


Our trip was the shortest ten days I’ve ever experienced, but the most moving, most inspiring, and most informative ten days I could have ever experienced.  I now have made forty-seven new friends that will last a lifetime.  Yes, we got to spend five days with seven solders. How cool is that? They were our age: mostly 20 years old but have already gone through more than any of us could imagine.  To me, meeting the solders was the highlight of my trip, and Shabbat at the Kotel.  This trip was filled with lots of food, conversation and history.  I am obsessed with this country and I hope one day I will be able to go back again.  If you are able to go on this trip PLEASE DO.  Do not hesitate one bit, and DO NOT be scared!


If you have any qustions regarding Birthright, feel free to email Bari at bari.markowitz@spartans.ut.edu