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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Tampa chapter.

If you are searching for a new Netflix TV show, The Midnight Club is an emotional and thrilling choice. The creativity in this show is outstanding, appearing in the multiple storylines and the life lessons. The Midnight Club is about a group of terminal cancer patients who seek adventures through scary stories while exploring their residence, which holds more secrets than what out to be.

Each episode holds a unique story from a main character’s mind. The stories genre is horror, but each character relates to their own story portraying a moral. Between all the jump-scares, ominous music, and plot, The Midnight Club has more than a few chills: emotions. Yes, the series contains people with a time limit, but they are intelligent and depict amazing lessons and quotes about life. Here are some of my favorites:

“I don’t know if it’s possible not to hurt the people you care about.” – Ilonka

Ilonka speaks about some truths of life. Sometimes you have to choose yourself first. People can always end up hurt, even when you don’t mean it.

“Dying is a very shitty reason not to live.” – Kevin

While going through the most impactful and emotional experience of their life, Kevin keeps his friend’s hopes up by explaining to be more positive. Make the most out of experiences, no matter what the circumstances are.

“It’s going to hurt so bad if you stay. It’ll be so hard. Life is so fucking hard. And it’ll hurt. But I am fighting for you.” – Poppy

Life is rough, and there will be many down. However, there will always be ups, which are the moments you live for. No matter how lonely and hopeless you feel, someone will always believe in you.

“They say life is too short to be with someone if you know it isn’t right.” – Amesh

You should rethink being with someone just for their sake. You have to make decisions based on your needs and feelings. Being with someone who isn’t right for you will not only hurt yourself, but it will hurt your partner in the end. Let them find someone who is truly meant for them. 

“‘If only.’ There probably aren’t two words in the English language more useless, more helpless than ‘if only.’” – Ilonka

“If only” means that you had the chance or the opportunity to make a change. So, what are you waiting for? Get rid of that “if only” and make an impact on someone’s life or your own.

Quotes can have significant impacts on people and their lives. The Midnight Club is a phenomenal watch that keeps you hooked and leaves you wondering about life. But I can’t give it all up, so take a dip and dive into this series to find out what is waiting for you…

Alexis Duffy is the President and Senior Editor at the Her Campus at Tampa chapter. She writes and edits articles as well as managing the chapter at Tampa. Her articles cover entertainment and lifestyle topics focusing on films and traveling. Outside of Her Campus, Alexis is a senior at the University of Tampa, double majoring in Communication, Media & Culture, and Advertising & Public Relations. She is currently an part time employee at the Tampa Bay Arts & Education Network, where she works on media projects and shadows in the tv studios helping with production. Alexis enjoys art, adventures, film, and traveling during her downtime. She often finds herself going down a rabbit hole when watching videos about the production of a movie, interviews, and fun facts about cinema. Alexis always seems to have her phases, whether it’s a Harry Potter marathon or watching The Dark Knight Trilogy.