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Behind the Scenes of Her Campus: Leann Petschonek

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Tampa chapter.

Name: Leann N. Petschonek

Age: 19

Hometown: Brandon, FL

Major: Biology

Where is your favorite spot to eat on campus? The tables by the windows in Spartan club so that I can people watch.

What do you love most about Her Campus? I love having the freedom to write whatever I want, and all of the members of Her Campus are so friendly and talented.

What is your shower song? Cold by Crossfade.

Who is your man crush Monday? Chris Pratt.

What do you miss most about home? My family and free laundry.

What is your craziest UT memory? Playing cards in the laundry room with my friends at 3am– I don’t get out much.

Who is your role model? My mom, she is the strongest person I know.

What show do you love to binge watch? Supernatural, my favorite show ever!

What house would you be sorted into at Hogwarts? Hufflepuff, I can be a little ditsy sometimes but I am extremely loyal.

Dunkin Donuts or Starbucks? Starbucks all the way.

Sam is Campus Correspondent for the University of Tampa! She is a communications major with a concentration in media studies and a minor in new media production. For someone who is barely five feet tall, Sam has big aspirations. She hopes to become the next Rachel Hollis or Miranda Priestly. If all else fails however, she’ll have an exciting future as Mrs. Justin Bieber! Sam talks non stop about her sorority, Pi Beta Phi and can easily be spotted on campus wearing her letters. She is an avid brunch goer and disney enthusiast. Buy her some cheesecake and you're guaranteed friends.