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Behind the Scenes of Her Campus: Julia Egbe-Monthe

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Tampa chapter.

Name: Julia Egbe-Monthe

Age: 21

Grade: Senior

Major/Minor: Marketing/Criminology 

Hometown: Baltimore, MD

Why did you come to UT? I always knew I wanted to go to school in Florida. I applied to UT, got accepted within 2 weeks, and was offered a great financial aid package so I decided to attend without even visiting the school. I’m glad I took that risk though, because these past 3 years have been amazing.

What is your favorite off campus getaway? My apartment. I love having my own space.

Male celebrity crush: Usher. I’ve been obsessed with him since I was 9 years old.

Favorite quote to live by: “For every dark night, there’s a brighter day” –Tupac Shakur

Advice to freshman: Be active on campus and join as many organizations as you can. It’s important to get out there and really find out what you’re interested in.

Favorite song/movie/book: I listen to so many different types of music, so it’s hard to choose just one, but No Love by August Alsina is one of my favorites right now. I love the Fast & the Furious movies. My favorite book is Jane Eyre by Charlotte Brontë.

What are some of your life goals? I have so many different goals and I’m still deciding which ones I want to pursue first. I hope to obtain my Master’s in Business Administration and I’d love to move to Atlanta, Georgia to work for the Coca-Cola headquarters in their marketing department. However, I also want to go to law school so I can practice Family Law. 

What are your plans as part of the Executive Board for Her Campus this year? As an editor for Her Campus this year I plan on making sure all the posts are perfect before going up (I’m the Queen of finding typos). I also hope to spread the word about this amazing organization to the UT community.