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Behind the Scenes of Her Campus: Bari Markowitz

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Tampa chapter.

Name: Bari Markowitz          

Birthday: May 5th, 1993

Year: Senior  

Major/Minor: Marketing major

Hometown: Basking Ridge, New Jersey<3

Her Campus Position: Staff Writer

What is your dream job? Purchasing agent for a company

If you could live for free anywhere in the world for a year, where would it be? Israel!

Describe your dream wedding: Somewhere on the beach

What is your favorite quality you have? My determination

What is your favorite food? Chinese Food

Where is your favorite place to go in Tampa? DAILY EATS

What do you miss most about living at home? Taylor ham egg and cheese on a bagel with salt, pepper and ketchup… oh and my family of course

What is the weirdest thing youve ever done: Bike 250 miles in a week

Whats your favorite memory at UT so far? It’s not really a memory, but all of the friends that I have made and continue to make

Describe your biggest accomplishment: Becoming a senior in college      

Whats your biggest fear? The dark and bugs

Whos your celebrity crush? Taylor Kitsch (Timothy Riggins in Friday Night Lights)

Favorite quote to live by: “Don’t cry because it’s over, smile because it happened”

Whats your favorite animal? PUPPIES!

Shane Autumn Nebbia is a junior at The University of Tampa, where she is pursuing a degree in Communication, a minor in Spanish, and a certificate in International Studies. Originally from a small town in New Jersey, Shane hopes to one day live somewhere where she can walk out to her backyard and be greeted with the ocean and a bunch of sea turtles and dolphins. Shane can be seen working in the Admissions office at UT, and collecting extra meals for the homeless on the weekends. When she's not in class, Shane can be found sitting in Plant Park, either with a good book or with a friend. Shane lives for her family, adventure, traveling, and her unhealthy addiction to chocolate chip cookies. Although Shane does not know where the wind will blow her, she hopes that one day she will be able to start an organization that gives back to both animals and people.