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Are You “Textually Active?”

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Tampa chapter.

Funny rap battle video from YouTube stars, Rhett & Link promote safe driving, and encourages viewers to stop texting while driving.

You should not be “textually active” while driving, because a) it’s illegal and b) there’s no such thing as a textpert. No text message is worth putting other people at risk while you are on the road. It can wait.

Though the video is funny, texting and driving is not. Put your phone down and drive safe. 

Brianna is a sophomore at the University of Tampa, studying journalism. She is the current Vice President of HerCampusUT. When she is not writing, or reading, she enjoys soaking up the Florida sun, and rubbing it in the faces of her friends who live up north via Snapchat. You can often find Brianna biking on Bayshore, at a country concert, or in front of the TV bawling over the Bachelor.