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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Tampa chapter.

Many have heard of the Left Brain/Right Brain theory, which was first pioneered by neuroscientist Roger W. Sperry in the 1960s. Have you ever wondered which one you are? Answer these questions to find out! 

Do you tend to:

A. Think too much and feel too little 

B. Feel too much and think too little 

What is/were your favorite subjects in school?

A. Math, Science, History 

B. English, Art, Music

Are you a daydreamer?

A. No

B. Yes

When you meet a new person, are you better at remembering:

A. Their name 

B. Their face

“It’s not about the destination, it’s about the journey”. 

A. Disagree

B. Agree 

You’re putting together a Powerpoint Presentation for a group project. Do you:

A. Focus on the research 

B. Focus on the visuals 

Do you pay most attention to the:

A. Little details 

B. Big picture

While listening to music, do you come up with storylines in your head based on the lyrics?

A. No?

B. All the time! 

If most of your answers are A, you are left-brain dominant- rational, logical, analytic, orderly, and objective. 

If most of your answers are B, you are right-brain dominant- creative, intuitive, artistic, imaginative, and subjective. 

My name's Chrissy, I'm a 2024 graduate and Writing Major/Linguistics Minor at the University of Tampa. When I'm not writing, I enjoy listening to music, swimming, meditating, reading, and good vibes.