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April: Autism Awareness Month

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Tampa chapter.

Chances are that you may know someone with autism, whether it be a friend of a friend, a family member of a friend, or a personal family member. With recent statistics now saying that 1 in 68 children will be diagnosed with autism here in the US, it isn’t surprising how much this can touch our lives. What is surprising, however, is the lack of awareness of autism in this country. What is even more surprising, and a bit disappointing, is the level of ignorance and acceptance that occurs with individuals with autism or other so-called disabilities, whether it be mental or physical.


While I am all for finding out what causes autism and perhaps even finding a prevention for it, I am not an advocate of the mindset that there is something “wrong” with these individuals and that they need to be “fixed”. They are people, people who have a place in our society, only our society doesn’t seem to have gotten the memo yet. There is a very fine line between wanting to find a prevention or cure for a disorder or disease, respectively, and treating people who are affected and living with said disorders and diseases as people, rather than as statistics or outsiders.

Yes, those who live with what we perceive to be limitations are different than we are, but isn’t that true of us all? There are all kinds of levels of traits, appearances, habits, beliefs, backgrounds, etc, that make us all different from each other. And yet, we all have a place in and help shape the world we live in.

So, I would encourage you to look at this month, not as a search for a medical solution, but as a reflection on how you can change your own perception of those who are different than you and how you can begin to shape the world, even if it’s just your own little slice of the world, to being a better place for everyone. 

On April 26, 2014 Her Campus UT will be participating in the Autism Speaks: Walk for Autism Awareness at Raymond James Stadium in Tampa, Florida. We are all very excited to be able to help support a cause that we are extremely passionate about. If you are interested in donating for our walk, please feel free to visit http://www.walknowforautismspeaks.org/tampa/hercampusut

Claire is a junior Writing and FMA (Film & Media Arts) double major. She hails from Huntsville, AL, where she resided from the point of birth until beginning her journey here at the University of Tampa. She is greatly enjoying her college career, and can be seen hopping around campus, either going to class, or doing something in relation to the many organizations she is a part of. When not actively involved with classes, Her Campus, and/or other organizations, Claire can be found lounging around in her room, most likely glued to her laptop, or writing with her quill pen in her journal, or perhaps reading the Lord of the Rings trilogy (her latest book quest).