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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Tampa chapter.
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I’ll start by telling you a secret: I am eighteen years old, and the Hannah Montana soundtrack still ends up on my Spotify Wrapped every year. Yes, you read that right. Despite being categorized as a legal adult, the remnants of my teenage years cling to the very word of my age. It’s a peculiar stage. The world calls you an adult, yet your age remains in the “teen” category. One moment, you’re eagerly awaiting adulthood’s freedom and independence; the next, you’re holding on to nostalgia, pining for childhood’s simplicity and carefree nature. As I reflect on my journey so far, here are 18 things I’ve learned about adulting since crossing the threshold in which the government has decided to label me as one: 

1. Take Risks: Don’t let fear keep you from pursuing your dreams and ambitions. You are now at the point where you will be an adult for the rest of your life until you become a senior citizen. So far, taking risks has led me to join the sorority I love and land my on-campus job. Take risks and embrace the opportunities that come your way – you never know where they might lead. 

2. Health is Wealth: Your physical and mental health should always be a top priority. Since turning 18, I have been on a workout journey to find ones I genuinely enjoy so exercise can feel more like a hobby than a task. Fuel your body, meditate, exercise, find workout classes on your campus, or start going on hot girl walks with friends. Don’t neglect self-care in the chaos of new adult life.  

3. Self-Discovery is Never Ending: When you think you’ve got it all figured out, life throws you a curveball. Embrace the journey of exploring your identity; it’s a lifelong process, but so many beautiful lessons are engraved in it. Stay curious and open-minded.  

4. Money Management Matters: Budgeting isn’t just for adults; it’s a skill every “adulting” teen should master early on to avoid financial pitfalls later in life. The earlier you start, the better it will be. Always be there for future you. 

5. Failure is Inevitable: It’s okay to stumble and fall; what matters is how you pick yourself up and keep moving forward. Resilience is always vital. Failure is not the end; it’s part of your success story.   

6. Friendships Evolve: As you grow older, so do your friendships. Some may fade away naturally, while others deepen with time. You will quickly learn who your real friends are, cherish those who lift you up, and stand by you through thick and thin. Love and care should be reciprocated; don’t try to hold onto things that are far weeded out; less is more.  

7. Independence: Moving to college in a different state over 1000 miles away from home and living alone marked a significant milestone in my right of way into adulthood. While it was daunting at first, embracing independence rapidly taught me how to navigate unfamiliar environments, manage my own responsibilities and time, and make decisions with confidence.   

8. Put School First: Prioritizing school and education is not just about earning good grades; it’s about investing in your future, unlocking opportunities, and realizing your full potential. So, as you navigate the complexities of adulthood, remember to keep school first and let your education pave the way for a bright and promising future.

9. Work-Life Balance is Essential: In accordance with putting school first, it is easy to feel the need to overachieve constantly. However, a balance between work, leisure, and personal commitments is crucial for maintaining your academic stamina and overall well-being.  

10. Know Your Why: Understanding your purpose and motivations in life is essential for navigating adulthood with clarity and direction. Take the time to reflect on what drives you, what brings you fulfillment, and what values are important to you. Knowing your why provides a strong foundation for setting goals, making decisions, and living authentically. I have found when faced with challenges or uncertainties, reconnecting with your why will push you to persevere.

11. Family is Everything: As you carve your path in the world, never forget the love and support of your family. They are the only people who will never leave your side. No matter where you are going, always remember your roots and places that have made you who you are becoming.   

12. When in Doubt, Call Your Mother: Relating to my last point, being an adult doesn’t diminish the need for parental support. Despite being a legal adult, there’s no shame in calling your parents when you need them.  

13. Be Grateful: Life is a special thing, and if we don’t cherish what we have, it will quickly slip away. Be grateful and value all that you learn, see, have, and know. This is also the best way to see the light on the days that may seem rough. 

14. Kindness is Contagious: A simple act of kindness can brighten someone’s day and create a ripple effect of positivity. You never know what people are going through and the great effects small acts of kindness can have on that.

15. Authenticity Before Perfection: Love your flaws and imperfections for what they are; they make the world go around. Authenticity is far more valuable than striving for unattainable perfection that could eventually burn you out.   

16. Dream ON: No matter your age or stage in life, never stop dreaming, setting goals, and aspiring for greatness. And if you are pursuing a dream you are starting to hate – change it. There is nothing wrong with having a new dream; life is to be enjoyed. Believe in your potential to create the life you desire.

17. Share What You Know: Knowledge is power. Consider for a moment the ripple effect that occurs when we generously share our experiences, lessons learned, and insights gained. Each story we tell has the potential to resonate deeply with others, offering guidance, comfort, and inspiration where it is needed most. In this way, we become not just passive recipients of knowledge but active participants in a continuous cycle of learning and growth.

18. Never Fully Grow Up: Although the responsibilities and demands of adulthood are essential, keep in touch with your inner child’s playful, creative spirit. Embrace that small part of your heart that holds onto innocence and wonder, for she is the source of your imagination and resilience. Allow yourself moments of joy, spontaneity, and adventure that ignite your sense of wonder. Whether it’s dancing in the rain, listening to childhood songs, or simply losing yourself in a good book, nurture your inner child and let that little girl inside you cheer you on as you navigate the complexities of adulthood.   

I’m only six months into technically being an adult and have already learned an abundance of lessons. Reflecting on the lessons learned from my teenage years and the newfound responsibilities of adulthood, I am reminded of the importance of embracing life and all it has to offer. Each lesson learned is just an element of the person I am becoming. As I continue to navigate the complexities of adulthood, I am excited for what lies ahead, and you should be, too. Cherish the moments and continue to learn and grow every step of the way. 

Hi! I'm Sienna and I am currently a freshman at the University of Tampa pursuing a major in Allied Health and minors in Leadership Studies and Professional Selling. Outside of school, you'll often find me enjoying beach days, exploring new restaurants, or lounging in a hammock falling into a good book.