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5 Reasons to Date Your Opposite

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Tampa chapter.

It’s been said that “opposites attract,” but is that statement true? Here are reasons why you should date someone who’s your complete opposite!

1. It’s a good way to do some soul searching: Nothing makes you realize who you truly are more than being with someone who’s not like you. When you’re with someone who lives and breathes the same way you do, you’ll begin to believe that everyone should be like that, rather than embracing differences.

2. They’ll challenge you: If you’re anything like me, you live for a good fight. It keeps you on the edge of your seat. Unlike popular belief, a little fighting is healthy for a relationship. 

3. It opens you up to new experiences: If I’m into watching TV, and ordering takeout, it’s nice to date someone who’s into hiking and fishing. Adding more things to do together can’t possibly be a bad thing. 

4. They can give you the best advice: Dating someone who’s different from you is the easiest form of looking in the mirror. They’re there to tell you when you’re being stupid and when you’re wrong. They know what to do in situations when you can’t quite decide, and they can help you through everything. 

5. You’ll meet new people: If you date someone who’s not in your social circle, they’re bound to have friends you don’t know. Expanding your friend group isn’t a bad thing, and who knows where those new friends will take you. 

Photo Sources: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6

Kayla Brown is a Senior at UT. Majoring in criminology, she one day hopes to do something badass af. While Kayla is not writing for Her Campus or studying for class, you can find her hanging with her sorority sisters, watching This is Us, or eating Kraft mac and cheese.