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21 Signs You’re From NYC

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Tampa chapter.

Everyone at UT can agree with this statement: all students here goes to New York. Here’s a list of 20 things that can help you recognize a true New Yorker.


1.   Everyone points out your accent, especially when you say “talk” or “walk”.

2.   Eddie and Sam’s is the closest to tasting like pizza from home.

3.   You’re a die-hard Yankee/Mets/Jets/Giants/Knicks/Nets fan, despite their record during the season.

4.   You know what quality Italian food tastes like.

5.   You have an eclectic sense of style and the sidewalk is your runway.

6.   You’re creative in some way or form. You are an aspiring dancer, avid writer, or multitalented artist.

7.   You don’t call it Manhattan because it’s simply referred to as “The City”.

8.   The fact that downtown Tampa is a ghost town prior to midnight makes you very uncomfortable and feel even more out of place.

9.   Your major catch phrase is, “yo.”

10. You walk faster than everyone else, even the crosstown bus.

11. You’re not only confident but have a “go getter” mentality.

12.  You have the worst road rage, obviously its because you’re the best driver in the world.

13.  You’ve mastered the art of traveling from Uptown to Downtown using public transportation, without one Google Maps reference.

14. You’ve experienced homesickness at least once or twice due to the lack of quality bagel and pizza establishments.  

15.  Walking is an art form only a New Yorker would understand. Walking fast is the only option, and then there’s fast and faster.

16.  Crossing a street doesn’t happen at corners, jay walking seems to be every New Yorkers preference. You’re also notorious for running across the intersection when you see a flashing “Do Not Walk” sign.

17. You’re only true encounter with “nature” was taking a stroll through Central Park.

18.  Empire State of Mind by Jay-Z and Alicia Keys was your anthem…actually, still is.

19.  You find the act of explaining to someone what a “borough” is to be not only exhausting but very frustrating.

20.  The thought of living in a “concrete jungle” would intimidate most but not you. The city is simply your playground for the taking.

21.  You know for certain, above anything else, that if you can make it in New York City you can make it anywhere!