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10 Thoughts Every Girl Had While Watching Fifty Shades of Grey

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Tampa chapter.

Everyone has been having different views on the movie adaption of Fifty Shades. Coming from someone who read all three books… twice… here are some of the top thoughts I had while watching. 

1. Anastasia was not cast right.

I understand that Anastasia wasn’t supposed to be gorgeous, she’s described as mousey and timid. I was picturing someone much like myself, and instead, I got this awkward girl with little to no social skills. 

2. Why is there no flow between scenes?

First, we were at the interview, then in the hardware store, and then in the photo shoot. The movie skipped from scene to scene, but there was no connection between the two. The choppiness left for little processing time before the next part came on.  

3. Taylor is supposed to be more important.

Personally, Taylor is one of my favorite characters in the book. In the movie, he had two lines. What kind of crap is that? Taylor’s undeniable humor should have been portrayed in the movie. Even a few more lines could have helped!

4. What the heck is going on with Elliot’s hair?

You read about Elliot, and picture a boyish type of sexy. Maybe he’s not as “sex god”-like as Christian, but he’s definitely supposed to be really attractive. The hair did not do it for me. It was quite disappointing. 

5. Those nipples….

I know girls come in all shapes and sizes and the rule goes for nipples as well, but we’re talking Hershey kisses here. I was too uncomfortable to focus on a lot of the movie with those things flying everywhere.  People wouldn’t be joking if they said they could cut diamonds.

6. Why was Charlie Tango never given a name?

If you never read the book, I doubt you even know what I’m talking about here. Christian’s private helicopter was named Charlie Tango, but it’s not really mentioned in the movie. Sure, Anna still gets the helicopter balloon attached to a present, but it’s easily looked over.

7. Anna’s butt does not match the body.

Why can’t I be that tiny with a butt like that?  Her bottom half didn’t nearly match the top.

8. The soundtrack is the best part of this movie.

I think I’m speaking for everyone when I say this. Beyoncé, Ellie Goulding, AND The Weeknd? This soundtrack was a match made in heaven. 

9. This sex looks too similar to Whack-a-Mole.

I don’t want to diss anyone’s sex style, but these “sex” scenes were barely sex scenes. I actually felt like Christian was just pounding Anastasia like a hammer to a nail, and not in the good way.  

10. But like DAMN…. 

No words needed here…


or even…

Kayla Brown is a Senior at UT. Majoring in criminology, she one day hopes to do something badass af. While Kayla is not writing for Her Campus or studying for class, you can find her hanging with her sorority sisters, watching This is Us, or eating Kraft mac and cheese.