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Winter Break…As Told By Bridget Jones

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Syracuse chapter.

For weeks you have been complaining about the stress from final exams and assignments that come at the end of the semester.  You go on and on about how much you cannot wait to get home for break and just have some time to relax. 

Then you finally get home and you’re like: Now what do I do for a month?????

So you come up with some ideas, most of which look something like this….

But of course it doesn’t turn out that way and you end up like this:

You have eaten all of the cereal in your kitchen, and watched several seasons of a  show on Netflix.

You try to go skiing

Or use your spare time to learn how to cook:

You test out all those DIY hair tutorials you have bookmarked…. but for some reason Pinterest makes them look so much easier and prettier

Your parents go to work, or you get snowed in and you are stuck at home….all by yourself

Then you go to holiday parties where family members and other adults question what it is that you plan to do with your life

New Years Eve comes & goes again….

And before you know it, it’s January! You know what that means!