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Settling into a New Semester’s Groove

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Syracuse chapter.

Last semester and spring break are old news. It’s time yet again to make new class buddies, decide which new professors you love or hate, what class will be your hardest, and adjust to the new times of your classes. Though it always takes a week or two to get used to waking up early and having homework deadlines again, there are tricks of the trade to help you get back into the groove faster without the stress.

Many college students seem to not bother with keeping a planner or calendar. To those of you who don’t, I have to ask: are you crazy? Unless you’re only handling a few classes each semester and planning on attending college for a bajillion extra years, you should definitely invest that $5 in a planner. Most professors create a syllabus that they stick to—at least for the important papers and tests. By marking these dates down early and writing down reminders leading up to these deadlines and tests, you will ease your misery immensely! With a planner, if you miss a deadline or wait until the last minute to study, at least you can’t be completely depressed over your less-than-satisfactory grade.

In addition to using a planner, showing up for class is a good way to keep your nerves and stress at ease. Most professors have an absence policy—even in large lectures. Don’t bail on class just because you’d rather eat some Chipotle or it’s your friend’s 21st and you’re planning an all day celebration. If a professor only allows two absences and you use them both early on, it will suck to be you when you’re sick or absolutely have to miss class and see your grade go down…and down…

Another simple stress reducer when getting used to being back in school is actually going to bed. It might sound crazy, but now that we’re no longer on break, staying up until 5 am when you have a 9:30 class probably isn’t the best idea—and I know none of you can already be that bogged down in work that all-nighters are required. Try going to bed around the same time every night and you’ll find yourself feeling less and less tired during the day. It’s amazing what an at least semi-decent night of sleep can do for your stress levels and adjustment to your new school schedule.

Finally, don’t beat yourself up over every assignment. All of us students, regardless of major, are in this together. We all understand the pressures to do well and the sometimes-overwhelming workload.  But turning in one paper that isn’t your best effort won’t destroy your prospects. Give yourself a breather with a TV break or a savory dinner. Spend some time catching up with friends or going for a walk to take out your stress and prepare yourself to get back into work mode. With some coffee, time and good planning, the odds are in your favor to do well in your classes and survive the semester without completely frying your brain. 

I'm a senior art history and magazine journalism major. I'm a junky for pop culture, watch way too much TV, and love to blog about it all.
Stephanie is a senior at Syracuse University studying magazine journalism and psychology. She has been writing for Hercampus.com/Syracuse since her freshman year and has had two different beats: opinionated articles and study abroad tales. Stephanie is also involved with her sorority Gamma Phi Beta and writes for various mediums including The Daily Orange, 'Cuse Clothing Line and Medley Magazine.