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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Syracuse chapter.

Sometimes, all you need is a little comfort and love. Someone in Manley South found the time to spread the cheer, drawing a little heart by my car while I was on campus. A wooden, stiff bench was turned into a comfortable crochet couch, to give us comfort on campus during the beautiful sunny week. The little things in life make all the difference. 

I'm a senior art history and magazine journalism major. I'm a junky for pop culture, watch way too much TV, and love to blog about it all.
Elora likes pina coladas and getting caught in the rain...but only warm rain, and especially rain that's packaged in summer thunderstorms! The sophomore magazine journalism and English major is an assistant feature copy editor for SU's independent student newspaper, the Daily Orange, and is a contributing writer for GALA Magazine. She is also a brother in the community service fraternity Alpha Phi Omega. Elora has country music on her iTunes for every possible mood and she will never turn down a Dave Matthews Band concert, a trip to Panera Bread or a pickup soccer game. Although she's not sure exactly what she wants to do after graduation, she hopes to use writing to make a difference in someone's world.