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The scariest part of Halloween – the candy

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Syracuse chapter.

When you were little, Halloween was a scary holiday filled with stories of ghosts and goblins. You carved jack-o’-lanterns, visited haunted houses, played pranks, told scary stories, and of course, trick-or-treated and ate loads of candy after. Although we no longer paint as many pumpkins or play as many pranks, one part of Halloween that is still scary is among us and that’s all the candy that’s available.  Even though you may not be going door to door to collect the candy anymore there’s still something comforting about digging into an entire bag of candy on October 31st while marathoning scary movies — or the Halloweentown movies on the Disney channel.

Here are some choices that won’t leave a scary impression on your waist line.

Choose This: 3 Musketeers fun size bar (1 piece, Calories: 25, 1g fat)
You’ll save calories if you go for chocolates with light and airy insides instead of denser fillings.

Not that: Butterfinger Minis (1 piece, 45 calories, 2g fat)
Loaded with concentrated fats and sugars, these mini candies are truly frightening.

Choose this: Spangler Dum Dum Pops (3 pieces, 77 calories, 0 g fat)
These hard candies take longer to eat making them a smarter choice to eat.

Not That: Brach’s Airheads (3 pieces, 140 calories, 1.5 g fat)
Although I’m sure everyone can remember shaking Airheads so they get squished together and get shorter but thicker. But these fun candies are definitely scary. They’re made up of sugar and filler carbohydrates, artificial colors and flavors, and partially hydrogenated oils.

Choose This: Peeps Pumpkins (1 peep, 16 calories, 0g fat)
Although most people associate peeps with Easter the Halloween ones are definitely a fun festive treat worth checking out — fluffy, sweet, and low-calorie.

Not that: Reese’s Pumpkin (1 piece, 170 calories, 10 g fat)
With one of the highest-calorie combinations it’s no wonder this treat is terrifying. With nearly two-thirds more calories than a regular Reese’s peanut butter cup this candy is definitely one to avoid.

Elora likes pina coladas and getting caught in the rain...but only warm rain, and especially rain that's packaged in summer thunderstorms! The sophomore magazine journalism and English major is an assistant feature copy editor for SU's independent student newspaper, the Daily Orange, and is a contributing writer for GALA Magazine. She is also a brother in the community service fraternity Alpha Phi Omega. Elora has country music on her iTunes for every possible mood and she will never turn down a Dave Matthews Band concert, a trip to Panera Bread or a pickup soccer game. Although she's not sure exactly what she wants to do after graduation, she hopes to use writing to make a difference in someone's world.