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Rethinking the ink

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Syracuse chapter.

I’ve never been against tattoos or body art; I simply know that they’re not for me.  Lately though, as I’ve been noticing them more often, I’ve stopped to wonder — what’s the point?  Don’t for a second think that I’m judging the person who supports and/or wears tattoos and body art.  Nor am I one of those people who preaches about the sacredness of your body just the way it is.  I’m a strong supporter of earrings, because they are, without a doubt, a cultural tradition.  I also don’t see an issue with small reminders of memories or lessons learned, expressed though a small design behind your ear or on the inside of your finger. 

I’d like to discuss body art for purely decorative purposes, the tattoos you get on a whim or the piecing you got “just because you wanted to.”  I don’t see the point.  Simply stated, I don’t understand why you would want to create a preconception of yourself when you have the freedom to choose how you’re perceived through conversation and action.  

Being a chameleon is an advantage, because you have the power to mold yourself to adjust to any group or situation at any given time.  But attach a spot of ink or a piercing, and you’ve limited yourself.  People have told me that they feel body art allows them to express themselves, and trust me, I understand the need to express yourself.  I was unjustly forced to wear a uniform for nine years before high school and therefore not allowed to, so you say, express myself.  Really, I get it.  I personally feel though, that a pair of shoes or a headband allows me to more adequately express myself, because what I’m feeling one day may be a distant memory the next. 

Furthermore, people like it when they can immediately group you in to a category, but why make it easy for them?  Challenge them.  Make them figure you out.  Some of the most nondescript and fascinating people are the ones you can’t immediately categorize.  As you peel back layers, a new personality trait constantly unfolds.  However, a tattoo or piercing will always be a reminder of that initial impression. That said, I don’t understand why the girl bending over the Marshall Street sidewalk wants a butterfly pasted on her lower back?

Who you are now and who you aspire to be are both constantly changing.  As a steadily evolving person, it’s no surprise that how you feel when you’re 19 or 20 will seem incomprehensible when you’re 40.  So, why have the same decoration on your body all those years? 

Elora likes pina coladas and getting caught in the rain...but only warm rain, and especially rain that's packaged in summer thunderstorms! The sophomore magazine journalism and English major is an assistant feature copy editor for SU's independent student newspaper, the Daily Orange, and is a contributing writer for GALA Magazine. She is also a brother in the community service fraternity Alpha Phi Omega. Elora has country music on her iTunes for every possible mood and she will never turn down a Dave Matthews Band concert, a trip to Panera Bread or a pickup soccer game. Although she's not sure exactly what she wants to do after graduation, she hopes to use writing to make a difference in someone's world.