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“I don’t know what to be for Halloween!” dilemmas solved

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Syracuse chapter.

I have a confession to make. If I had the choice I would take trick-or-treating over college
Halloween parties any day. When you are a kid, Halloween is the time when you can be
creative and fun and not worry about whether your costume is going to entice someone
else. One year I went as a zombie Anne Frank. Yes, you read that correctly. Needless to
say, the conservative housewives in my small town didn’t get it. I now find that choosing
a Halloween costume in college is a totally different battlefield. There is a struggle to
find a balance between what you will personally feel good in, and not feeling like a nun
(unless you want to of course) when you walk into a party. Here is some inspiration to get
those creative juices flowing:

Nicki Minaj

Take a note from the Harajuku Barbie and pair an aqua, blonde, or pink wig with vibrant
makeup to match. Medusa’s Makeup has a great selection of bright colors you cannot
find in the drugstore. Finish the look off with a tutu, printed leggings, and a bandeau top.
Just hope you do not run into Lil’ Kim.

The Sucker Punch Girls

The styling in Sucker Punch is fantastic. There is something awesome about the
combination of baby doll makeup with a gun holster. Many costume sites are selling the
full look for each of the five heroines for under $50. To complete the look, dust on some
pink blush and silver eyeshadow and get ready to fight the monsters.

Annie Hall

La-di-da, La di-da. Put on a tie, vest, and a Derby-Style hat to get Diane Keaton’s look.
If you want to go the extra mile, match them with a pair of wide-legged khakis. Now go
find yourself an Alvy Singer!

1920’s Flapper

Marion Cotillard was absolutely stunning in Midnight in Paris. To emulate her look, pair
a headband, a long cigarette holder (no cigarette needed for you non-smokers), a fringe
dress, and ballet flats.

Other suggestions: Leslie Knope, Liz Lemon, Margot Tenenbaum, Edie Sedgwick, Andy
Warhol, Sookie Stackhouse, 1920’s vampire, Keyboard Cat, Dita Von Teese, a contestant
on Toddlers & Tiaras, The Walking Dead zombie, a real housewife of New Jersey,
anyone from Kill Bill, Marilyn Monroe, Audrey Hepburn, an Alfred Hitchcock heroine,
pregnant Beyoncé.

Please just don’t: Casey Anthony, Muammar Gaddafi, Steve Jobs, Amy Winehouse

Elora likes pina coladas and getting caught in the rain...but only warm rain, and especially rain that's packaged in summer thunderstorms! The sophomore magazine journalism and English major is an assistant feature copy editor for SU's independent student newspaper, the Daily Orange, and is a contributing writer for GALA Magazine. She is also a brother in the community service fraternity Alpha Phi Omega. Elora has country music on her iTunes for every possible mood and she will never turn down a Dave Matthews Band concert, a trip to Panera Bread or a pickup soccer game. Although she's not sure exactly what she wants to do after graduation, she hopes to use writing to make a difference in someone's world.