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Tips for Surviving the Cold Weather

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Susqu chapter.

It feels like fall lasted a whole two weeks. Susquehanna’s campus is now a snowy, slushy, yucky mess, and whatever leaves have managed to hang on this long are quickly falling. It’s time to prepare for the cold weather! This is honestly something I had taken for granted in high school since I didn’t have to go outside to get food or to go to each class. In college, I’ve found, just wearing a coat isn’t enough. Here are some tips for surviving the cold weather that might be easy to overlook!

1. Do Not Underestimate the Power of Tea

Well, actually, any warm beverage will suffice. The sensation of wrapping your fingers around a just-right warm mug is comforting like nothing else! I like to make vanilla chai tea but leave about a quarter of the mug for milk. Not only is vanilla chai with milk delicious, but adding the milk usually leaves it at just the right temperature where it’s still hot but not burning your fingers off. My fingers can get cold absurdly easily, so this has always been a good way to keep out the cold for me.

2. Wear Gloves

Yes, I know it’s annoying when you want to change the song on your phone or respond to a text but you can’t because your fingers are encased in fabric. However, it might be worth sacrificing if it’s freezing out. Sometimes your pockets won’t be enough to keep your fingers from getting stiff, and you’ll be hyper-aware of just how cold they are when you have to open a door or take your hands out of your pocket.

3. Put Mini Hand Sanitizer and Chapstick in Every Bag

Hand sanitizer is another thing I took for granted in high school because if you take a sick day or two in high school, you can usually get caught up pretty easily. In college, on the other hand, if you even space off in class for more than two seconds then you’re completely lost and confused. I have been carrying mini sanitizer with me and I’ve somehow managed to avoid getting sick thus far (knocks on wood).

Also, chapstick. I use so much of it. Having dry, cracked lips can be pretty uncomfortable, so it’s a good idea to throw a pack of chapstick in every bag so you won’t be without it when you need it!

I'm a sophomore Publishing & Editing and Graphic Design double major as well as an editor at and the treasurer of Her Campus Susquehanna. I love to draw, read, and play video games in my free time.
The journey to where I want to be includes writing a lot of words and eating a lot of fries.