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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Susqu chapter.

Exam taking has never come easily to me. I know I’m not the only one who gets test-taking jitters. It’s unfair of your brain to totally freak out over something you’ve been studying really hard for. That’s why I’m going to list some tips that might help you feel at ease for your finals. 

  • Make sure you’re getting enough sleep. I know it sounds totally lame but if you don’t have enough sleep then your brain is going to be totally useless mush when taking your finals. 
  • Try studying in different places. This will help your brain connect the information for your finals with the environment around you. 
  • Eating properly. If your body is running on a single pack of crackers then you’re never going to ace that final. You need a nutritious meal to keep your mind focused. 
  • Write out your notes. Writing out your notes can help keep them fresh in your mind and ready for your finals. 
  • Talk about your notes with someone else. Vocalizing your notes can help you recall the information better. This way since you’ve been talking about your notes so much they’ll be embedded in your memory. 
  • Make sure you know the day of your finals. Doing this will help you have enough preparation time. 
  • Suck on some mints. Sucking on mints or any type of hard candy will help stimulate your brain while you take your final. 
  • Deep breathing. Take some deep breaths. You’ve got this. You’re going to be okay. 

Hopefully some of these tips benefit you when it comes to taking your final exams. I know some of them may sound silly but they do work. Don’t stress it too much though, your grade may be important but so is your well-being. 

I'm an art lover with lots of advice to share. I also think I'm pretty funny.
Writers are contributing from Susquehanna University