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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Susqu chapter.

It may seem like forever away at times, but Spring will be among us before we know it! In order to grace its presence, ‘tis time to decorate for the season.  

Creating a lovely, welcoming environment for your dorm room is a great way to get creative and personalize your space, while having fun! Using your ideas (and maybe a little help from Pinterest), you can enter your room at the end of the day with a smile as you surround yourself with whatever suits your style best. By being sustainable in the process, you can also remember to help Mother Nature to live her best life!

If you find yourself in need of some inspiration… 

Be Resourceful

Look around your beautiful campus, but not just outside at the newborn leaves and flowers. Look inside too. Can you make use of a plastic plate from the dining services? Maybe you can cut it into the shape of a flower and paint it, adding some color to your walls or desk drawers. It could become a coaster for your bedside table. Those plastic cups that once held your lemonade could be painted to resemble fields of flowers or blades of grass, becoming the perfect pencil holders. Perhaps you might bedazzle them with some sequins or stickers from Redbubble (a company that partners with renewable energy specialists).  

You can also look around back home. Is there an old watering can sitting in your garage that you can clean and use as a vase? Tie some ribbons around the handle and fill it with flowers. Old glasses or mason jars are perfect for keeping your desk materials and beauty supplies organized. Frames going unused could be perfect to create a Spring photo collage with fun pictures, dried flowers, and cotton clouds. Do you have any old CDs you never listen to? Their transparent cases could be perfect for pressing flowers. 

Treat Yourself

Being resourceful and crafty is always fun, but it can also be a treat to purchase something to spice up your room occasionally. Fake flowers or vines of leaves are perfect to hang on your walls or string across your windowpane, as are fake butterflies on a string of ribbon. 

Some of my favorite home décor brands (other than hitting up the craft store, of course) have been Opalhouse, Urban Outfitters, and Target, but there are tons of creative artists you can find online as well that may provide cheaper options. Visiting the thrift store can be like going on an expedition with your friends, not only to find supplies but also just for inspiration! 

Make Memories

Not only are these great ways to decorate your dorm, but they are also opportunities to have fun with your friends! Maybe have a little photoshoot as you work on these projects, painting and decorating or searching for the perfect supplies. You could print these pictures out to fill your room with memories of fun times. 

Raindrops on roses, and whiskers on kittens… Along with pictures, printing images of some of your favorite things is a great way to make your room the perfect space for you, especially if they correlate with the season to get you in that vibe. With some tape or sticky tack, they can easily become the last thing you see before closing your eyes for the night and the first thing when opening them again to start a new day. 

Challenge Yourself

Is there something you’ve always wanted to try? I know that before last spring, I always wanted to try my hand at painting. So, I bought myself a paint set from Michael’s for $10 and challenged myself to use it! Painting Spring scenes is a great way to create your own décor that you can be proud of and say, “I did that!” Maybe you’ve always wanted to try embroidering, collaging, or birdhouse making. Maybe you can try your hand at photography or drawing. Why not start now, or over Spring break? After all, Spring is a time for new beginnings.  

Have Fun

It can be difficult to leave your worries behind in order to pursue something you enjoy, but it’s a valuable skill. A new season is approaching, and so are new goals and challenges to overcome. Sit back every once in a while, to look at the life blooming around you and to feel the sun on your skin. Watch the clouds roll across the sky as night falls and embrace the sound of the crickets making music. You won’t be in this moment ever again. 

Allyson is a graduate from Susquehanna University with a Bachelor of Science in Luxury Brand Marketing and Management. Outside of the classroom, she could be found writing articles for Her Campus, teaching ballet, and singing showtunes.
Writers are contributing from Susquehanna University