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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Susqu chapter.

Part 3: Thinking About Content

For the final installment of this series, we’re going to talk about what we, as an audience, look for when it comes to the production of content in the beauty community. When I click on a tutorial I’m not only looking at the act of doing makeup, but I’m looking at the products used, how they perform, how the influencer is using the product, and I’m listening to the topics that said influencer is addressing in the video. It’s obvious to me when an artist isn’t doing everything in their power to make a product work. It’s also obvious if there is an element of untruthfulness involved. If you’re looking for good, drama-free content, I recommend looking into the following types of videos:

  1. Monthly favorites—with Kathleen Lights for mostly affordable price points.
  2. Nicol Concilio Reviews— a variety of price points and honest reviews.
  3. The secret life of Jeffree Star—profile on the life of an influencer.
  4. Jeffree Star Product Reviews—very honest about price points and the integrity of companies.
  5. Anything Nikkie Tutorials—good overall content, drama free.
  6. James Charles—talking about his singing with a vocal coach.
  7. Outside of beauty—Shane Dawson is taking YouTube to a different level.

Another factor that is often overlooked by influencers is the fact that Instagram, Twitter, and Snapchat are also a part of their content—the way to avoid scandal is to keep all aspects professional and positive. Granted there are some things that influencers should share with audiences and there are others that they shouldn’t. Knowing that there is always someone watching and taking in what you’re putting out is an important part of being an influencer.

I hope you enjoyed this series click the links below for parts one and two:

P1: https://www.hercampus.com/school/susqu/spilling-tea-beauty-community

P2: https://www.hercampus.com/school/susqu/spilling-tea-beauty-community-0

I am a senior creative writing and theatre performance writer with a minor in vocal performance. I write my own songs and love to perform. I have a love for the fine arts, make-up, and Italian food.
Writers are contributing from Susquehanna University