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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Susqu chapter.

We’ve all heard of the Freshman Fifteen and Senioritis, but college packs a lot onto people and with this comes something not many people are familiar with. Something that I and others are experiencing simultaneously. This dreaded and vicious pairing of words is the Sophomore Slump. That’s right, there is such a thing and it is a killer, but only if you allow it to be.

The Sophomore Slump may hit people in different ways. For some, it’s a mild case of the “oh we are actually back at school” to the “I seriously can’t handle this, I want to go home.” If you fall into either of these categories or somewhere in between then you’re not alone. Me and thousands, maybe millions of college students are struggling to find our way out of the slump. The path out of it isn’t so clear either.

In my case, it involves a lot of anxiety and days where I just don’t feel like I should be attending college. Other days I feel like I am on top of the world and complete all my homework, clean my room, and I don’t let those insecurities swallow me whole, but trust me it’s really hard. Unknowingly, I was showing signs of anxiety and depression, both of which are key components of the Sophomore Slump. For those of you going through the same things, don’t be afraid to speak up! There are so many of us who think anxiety and depression make us weak and incapable of being who we want to be. It is time to put an end to the stigma around mental health and get rid of the Sophomore Slump.

Sophomores, you can do it and you will make it out of the dark. Remember there is always a light at the end of the tunnel, even if it seems way out of reach, you will get to it. These feelings you’re having may only be temporary, but I know that they make you feel like they will never go away. Don’t fret, they will and you will be okay. You will keep attending your dream school. You will get a degree and a job. You will be okay!



Junior at Susquehanna University Journalism/Photography President and Campus Correspondent of Her Campus Susqu Class of 2022
Writers are contributing from Susquehanna University