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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Susqu chapter.

As kids, we make tons of friends, some stay and some go, but we grow and mature into brand new people and make new friends along the way. There is one person though that I don’t think is considered often enough as a friend. This person has literally been with me since day one and we’ve grown up together in our own ways. The person I am speaking about is my mom and moms as a whole. This week in honor of International Women’s Friendship Month, I dedicate this article to my mom.

Like I said, friends tend to come and go, but mothers never leave our side. There are definite hardships throughout most girls relationships with their mom, but at the end of the day, there is always love. Love is a key component to most friendships because, without this powerful feeling, we would not be able to make the bonds that we do. As children, we started loving as soon as we knew who to love and how to do so. Now we may pick and choose those that we want to love and care for, and friends most definitely fall into that category for me, especially my mom.

Having your mom as your best friend is nothing short of amazing. You two have probably experienced some of the same hardships, she was there for your first heartbreak, and so many other things. If this applies to anyone. Don’t be ashamed of this. Wear this friendship on your sleeve and shout it to the world if you are so lucky. Our mothers are our greatest support and will always be there to lift us when we are down.

I can recall a time when my mom said to me that she is my mother first and friend second. I don’t think I really caught the gist of what that meant until I needed her daily when I moved away to school. What can I put in the microwave? That’s a mom question. Do you think he likes me back? That’s a friend question, and I’m grateful that I am able to have her help me in both ways whenever I need it. In any case though, as my friend and partner in crime for 19 years, she has surely been through it with me. I am nothing less than a handful, but if there has been any friend I could count on at the end of the day it’s her.

So to all the daughters out there who are struggling to realize who their best friend truly is, she has been next to you the whole time. It’s your mom and you must appreciate her with every fiber of your being because she will be your friend until the end of time. Don’t waste precious moments fighting or ignoring her, listen to her advice and enjoy your time together. To all the moms who have been there for their daughters, thank you. To my own mom, I love you and thank you for being a friend.

Junior at Susquehanna University Journalism/Photography President and Campus Correspondent of Her Campus Susqu Class of 2022