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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Susqu chapter.

With all the 2020 crises, it’s difficult to find a silver lining in all the news. However, I try to make an effort every day to find one piece of good news to focus on. I’ve noticed that doing this greatly improves my mental health and overall wellbeing. It’s so beneficial for me, so I thought it would be helpful to share some of the most recent news stories that gave me hope. Please enjoy and share these stories about powerful women!

1. Two senior girls in Wisconsin fought to get masks made mandatory at their school – and they combated sexism at the same time.

Ava Rheeve and Julia Going were tired of the overtly sexist rules at their school, so they decided to make a change. I’m sure we’re all familiar with the spaghetti strap rule: all girls must wear shirts that cover their shoulders, so tops with spaghetti straps aren’t allowed. Rheeve and Going were understandably frustrated with the argument that boys will be distracted by spaghetti strap tops, but Rheeve and Going were attending school with boys not wearing masks. In response, the two girls wrote a petition, and thousands of students signed it. The school decided to change its rules; now masks will be required for the current school year.

2. A new record of multiracial women have run for Congress this year – over 130 women have signed up.

The Center of American Women and Politics (CAWP) has reported this information. This proves that women running for political office isn’t just a trend: the future really is female.

Kamala Harris visting King Elementary School in Des Moines
Photo by Phil Roeder from Flickr

3. Some of the greatest female athletes have teamed up to create a National Women’s Soccer League – all organized by women.

Julie Uhrman, Kara Nortman, Natalie Portman, and Alexis Ohanian are just a few of the women involved in this project. Several female entrepreneurs have signed up to endorse this organization, which is so far being called Angel City. The organization’s project is set for an initial premiere in 2022. Fun fact: Serena Williams is also an investor! More information can be found here: https://weareangelcity.com/

Urban Outfitters

4. There is plenty of good news in the world of sports: Brazil’s soccer federation has ordered that women and men will receive equal pay from now on.

I can’t believe that this hasn’t been in the news more! As of March 2020, the Brazilian Soccer (or football) Federation passed an equal pay rule with little to no argument. While American female soccer players are still struggling for equal pay, Brazil’s news offers hope to all female athletes around the world.

Patrick Spongebob Money

5. Malala Yousafzai, the Nobel laureate, recent Oxford graduate, and overall awesome person, has launched a feminist book club online.

Malala Yousafzai has impacted the women’s movement in so many positive ways, and her latest project is no different. Malala is hosting a new book club through Literati where she is hand-picking the books that will be chosen. Anyone can sign-up, and for $20 a month, a copy of each book will be mailed to you. The book club will be all online where attendees can talk with other liked-minded feminist readers. The first meeting is on October 1st.

To keep up with the latest good feminist news, make sure to follow these websites and social media accounts: https://www.nytimes.com/spotlight/gender-and-society and https://www.thelily.com/

I'm part time yoga teacher and a full time reader. I never miss an opportunity to listen to audiobooks on a car ride, or to read ebooks during breaks in my classes. I'm a senior at Susquehanna University where my major is creative writing with a minor in women and gender studies.
Writers are contributing from Susquehanna University