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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Susqu chapter.

On my first trip to the library this past summer, I decided that it was finally time for me to venture out of the YA section and into the rest of the big wide world of literature. Now, here’s a little note about the YA section of my library back home: it’s awesome. It’s just as big, if not bigger, as any other area of the library, and it has just about anything you can think of, including things you wouldn’t expect–like a pretty big collection of manga. Plus, they’re always getting in recently published books. They have a display for new arrivals, and it looks different every time I’m there. So obviously, expanding my horizons felt like something that I should do, not that I wanted to do.

Another thing about the YA section of the library is that it is extremely embarrassing for me to be in there. There’s a sign posted that designates it as the “Kids and Teens Corner” and everything, with a list of rules such as: always use headphones if listening to music, and don’t sit at the tables if you’re older than 18. There’s also always some kids from the local high school doing group projects and stuff. Ah, when I was a youth. For these reasons, I bravely ventured out into the dusty stacks of adult fiction and nonfiction.

But I like what I like, you know? I tried my darnedest to find something that looked appealing and totally failed. So I scampered back to where I always go and picked up three books that had been on my TBR list for awhile. The whole thing probably took about 10 minutes.

I’m not sure what the point is here, besides that I’m a coward and should probably try harder next time. However, I don’t think I should be in any hurry like I felt I should be at the beginning of last summer. Reading is first and foremost for fun, and although trying new things is good and definitely worth trying, there’s nothing wrong with taking comfort in what you always do. After all, a good book is just a good book.

I'm a sophomore Publishing & Editing and Graphic Design double major as well as an editor at and the treasurer of Her Campus Susquehanna. I love to draw, read, and play video games in my free time.
Senior Publishing and Editing and Philosophy double major.