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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Susqu chapter.

This past weekend was Family Weekend at Susquehanna. I was incredibly excited to see my family and could not wait to fill them in on everything that had happened from the last time I saw them. Five weeks went by since move-in day, and I had multitudes of stories just begging to be told. From dropping ice cream in the dining hall to my first chemistry exam, these were an incredibly busy five weeks.

I did not realize how much I missed my parents, brother, and grandparents until I saw them on Friday and Saturday. It’s a strange feeling to realize that you’ve gone from depending on them every day to being on your own, and its something I didn’t realize until this weekend. Strange, but worth every second I got to spend with them. The weekend passed by in a blur.

I am incredibly lucky to have a family that constantly supports me in everything that I do. They also live around two to two and a half hours away from Susquehanna, so it means a lot that they were willing to take time out of their weekend to come visit me. My grandparents and mom came on Friday, and we went out to dinner. I filled them in on everything that had happened and answered their multitude of questions.

On Saturday, we went shopping and got lunch at The Hawks Nest, my treat. Then my grandparents left and my mom and I hung out in my dorm room while I did my laundry. We went to the football game where we met my dad and brother. It was a really fun game to watch! After the game we went to dinner and talked for a long time. Then, they dropped me back off at my dorm for the night.

By the time Sunday rolled around, I realized that they would be leaving soon. We went out to breakfast at Perkins and then walked down to Market Street and back. After that, we got lunch at Texas Roadhouse and they dropped me off at campus to say goodbye before I went to my job. 

While I was sad to see them go, their visit reminded me that fall break is rapidly approaching and I will be home in the blink of an eye. It is hard to believe that it has already been over a month since move-in day. I can always FaceTime my family when I want to talk, and they can always reach out to me the same way. It is important to remember that we are all always connected one way or another. Bonds are not broken because people are farther away, rather I found that I am closer to my family now.

Hi! I'm Caroline and I go to Susquehanna University in PA. In addition to writing for Her Campus, I am a biomedical studies major and I am a member of the swim team.
Writers are contributing from Susquehanna University