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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Susqu chapter.

It’s the second semester of sophomore year. Wow, that’s crazy to say. In a few short months, I will be a junior in college. I feel old. Anyway, looking back to the beginning of freshman year, I have learned many life lessons. Lessons that I wish I would’ve known sooner, and lessons that I’m happy to know early on. To the people who are either freshmen in college, or seniors in high school getting ready to put your deposit down, this is for you.

No one cares about what you look like.

This was a new one for me. I grew up with a role model, my mother, who always dressed very nice and clean. So, learning from her, I am always very well kept. In high school, for the most part, my hair and makeup were always done. I was always showered and dressed in nicer clothes. When coming to college, I realized that no one cared. As long as you’re showered and don’t smell, no one is going to judge you on your appearance on a normal day. You’re there to learn, not make a fashion statement.


Even though I am working on it, I struggle with this one. You can ask anyone that knows me. I can’t save money for the life of me. So, this advice is for me too. I promise the $5 coffee every day isn’t worth it. It lasts for what, 20 minutes at the longest? Online shopping is not your friend either. Before you know it, you just spent $100 on random websites for random things. You aren’t getting that money back until your summer job, so please. Save your money.

High School and College are VERY different.

At least for me, high school was very easy. After being able to skate through everything, freshman year hit me like a truck. Professors care about you, yes, but they expect you to grow up and be ready for the course load. If you’re going into college thinking, “this will be the best 4 years of my life because of how much fun I’ll have,” put that mentality away. Yes, college is very fun… after you put in the work.

Make good eating choices.

You come to college with complete freedom. Your parents aren’t there to control what you eat or what you do. Be conscious of what you put in your body. Monitor the sugary and salty snacks because the freshman 15 is VERY REAL. And it is extremely hard to get off.

Make good choices.

This is one that I truly stress. Focus on school. The fun will come, but you are primarily here to get a degree. If you make fun a top priority, the grades will slip. Then there’s no recovering after a certain point.  My mother’s favorite word to leave me with after every conversation is “FOCUS.” I know after she reads this, she is totally smiling, but she’s right.

Overall, college is going to be the “best four years of your life.” Throughout your college experience, times will be both easy and challenging. Push through it and don’t give up, because one day, everything will make sense!

Hi! I'm Kaitlyn! I am a psychology major at Susquehanna University.
Writers are contributing from Susquehanna University