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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Suffolk chapter.

“Lucky Girl Syndrome” is the simple belief that if you truly believe you are the luckiest girl in the world, you will be. This is the idea that by changing your mindset, by seeing yourself as a magnet that attracts what you want, you will have.

Currently, a trend on Tik Tok, this is the idea that a positive way of thinking will change not only your life, but that it will also influence the positive outcomes of what YOU want in your life.

1. Affirmations

Tik Tok creator, @lauren_bulloch, describes how she changed her daily mindset by making the conscious effort in her day-to-day tasks, to think more positively.

Cultivating this mindset, also goes along with, “the Law of Attraction”, and “Manifestation” ideals. Positive thinking “attracts” positive energy into your life.

How do I apply this in my life?

Every morning and every night, read yourself a list of positive phrases. These could be anything from, “I choose to attract positive energy”, to “I love and approve of myself.”

Personally, I’ve been attempting to read my affirmations every morning, and it genuinely makes me feel like my day is starting off productively and positively.

Negative self-talk is something I, and many others struggle with. I have been trying this out for almost two weeks now, and I truly believe my mindset has shifted for the better.

2. Visualize your goals

Making a list of small goals, goals that can be accomplished during the day, to bigger goals that may take a year, to many years. Visualizing, and writing these goals down using the “lucky girl theory,” puts them out into the universe.

Reading these goals in the form of affirmations every morning, like if you said, “I will pick up my room so I will have a clean and organized space today,” or “I work toward becoming successful in my future.”

Vision boards are also an amazing way to conceptualize your goals and dreams. Collaging pictures of what you want your life to look like, again gives the idea of putting what you want, or what you will have out into the universe.

@ForYouFromEve is a self-love, health and wellness podcast on Spotify. She made her own 2023 Vision Board on the app “Notion.” It is an amazing way to start vision boarding on your own computer. This podcast really started me off on a self-love, and manifestation journey, and the notion template helped tremendously by simply giving me outline to write my goals down and matching them with images I found off Pinterest.

Getting creative with yourself, and thinking positively about your future and personal goals, thinking, “I am so lucky, everything works out for me,” can genuinely change the way you think about your life.

3. Self-Love

Self-love and self-care have the ability to motivate you, and make you feel more positive about yourself. Self-love may not come as easy or as natural for everyone, but by working toward it and creating a healthy, positive mind, mundane day-to-day tasks don’t feel as repetitive and unexciting anymore. This positive energy fuels you.

It is hard to only think about yourself and your own needs. Understanding your own needs helps restore your energy. Not taking on other people’s emotions, other people’s problems, and realizing that you have no obligation to anyone other than to yourself, is hard.

Journaling is something that can give a lot of relief mentally and emotionally and can give your mind a release from everything you may have been feeling throughout the day. Before bed, writing out the day can be a healthy way to release how you may be feeling.

To some, choosing yourself may look selfish, but ultimately it is not. It is giving to yourself first, so that you have more energy to give to others. Choosing yourself, whether that means not going out with friends when you’re tired, or your social battery is low, taking a self-care day when you don’t feel like yourself or taking a day to relax from anything that might’ve been mentally or emotionally challenging, can help you recharge.

“Lucky Girl Syndrome” excites me, and I hope it excites you as well, I truly believe by making these daily choices, and believing you are incredibly lucky, you will be.

Isabella is a Suffolk University freshman student studying to become a journalist. She is excited to share her writing with HER Campus!