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“Patriots Day” Movie Review

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Suffolk chapter.

Patriots Day Resiliency by definition is, the capacity to recover quickly from difficulties; toughness.


When I think resiliency, I think Boston. It may be my bias towards the city I call my second home, or it may be the fact that the people of Boston are definitely one of a kind. The people here are gritty, their smart, and their strong. All the characteristics that make Bostonians very proud.

Back in 2013, on one of Boson’s most cherished days, two bombs went off at the Boston Marathon finish line. The bombs not only injured many, and devastated all, but killed a few people as well. The tragedy that occurred on April 15th 2013 was a terrible day for our country. However the people of Massachusetts and the people around Boston rallied around each other to show the hope of their beloved city. The actions of these people spoke words to mankind. Between the police, paramedics, civilians, sports teams, the hospitals, and the runners, the tragedy only proved one thing… do not mess with Boston, because the people here are tough.



A few weeks ago, Mark Wahlberg a Boston native released the highly anticipated movie, “Patriots Day”. The movie portrays the events that occurred on that day, that include the bombings, the hunt, and the capture. Wahlberg stars as a police officer on probation with the Boston Police Department. Although Wahlberg’s character was made up, the plotting of the movie follows all the events that actually happened. Including David Ortiz’s iconic speech, to not mess with our city.

For many of those who call Boston home, the marathon bombings is still a recent wound. When talking to people, I found that many people were hesitant to see the movie, because of how recent the event was, and fear of reopening the wound. However for me I felt the need to see it. I think for most, the movie hit deep. I definitely shed quite some tears, and I wasn’t alone while watching. The movie was graphic, and showed the pain that Boston felt, yet the toughness that was alongside the pain proved the point of the incredible strength that surrounded the city after the event. Overall I think Wahlberg did a remarkable job of showing Boston’s strength and how Boston is one hell of a city.