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Noah Simon ’13

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Suffolk chapter.

Full Name: Noah Clayton Simon
Academic Year: Senior
Major: Marketing
Hometown: Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Relationship Status: Single
Astrological sign: Gemini
Twitter/facebook/blog: noah5imon (Instagram)

Biggest Turn on with a girl:
Inked and sexy; a bad girl that can hold her own.

Biggest Turn off:
Clingy, high maintenance

Celebrity Crush and why:
Emilia Clarke she’s my favorite character in my favorite show Game of Thrones (Khaleesi)

Who would you consider your “man crush”:
Rob Kardashian – he is passionate about socks and so am I.

Future Career Goals/Ambitions:
Be apart of a successful entertainment-marketing agency specializing in the music, art, and fashion industry

Riding fixed gear bikes, skiing, going to concerts, and hanging out with friends

Favorite (besides yoga pants)/Least favorite fashion trend for girls:
Skinny jeans, sock buns, or a really cool/interesting hair cut, and my t-shirt love when a girl wears my shirt.

Least favorite: Longchamp bags and Northfaces.

Campus Activities:
Eating, studying in the lib, socializing with everybody in the streets, and complaining about school.

Three words you’d use to describe yourself:
Gregarious, easy-going, and hungover.

First thing you notice about a girl:
Clothing style, if the girl doesn’t have good style im not into it.

What advice would you give to a girl trying to impress you:
Have an impressive instagram portfolio and stay true.

If you had to be stuck on a deserted island for an entire year with another student at Suffolk University who would it be:
I would say Michael Phelps because you could easily throw a saddle on him and wiz home, but unfortunately he doesn’t attend Suffolk so I suppose the next best choice would have to be Michael Furst. No real reason why, he’s just always there and I think it would be easy to make my self chief of the island and make him do all the hard work.

If you had to pick a song to be the theme song to your life what would it be?:
“Take on Me” by A-ha

Most embarrassing song on your iPod:
“I am not a Wh**e” – LMFAO

Most embarrassing moment :
I got punched in face by a girl in middle school in front of all my friends.

Best part about your Suffolk experience so far?
Madrid. Period.

What is an interesting fact about you most people don’t know?
I was star of a short film when I was 12.

Most romantic thing you’ve ever done for someone?
I let a girl use my phone charger.

Idea of a perfect date?
Nice sushi meal, followed by a fun concert so we can show each other dance moves. Then going to a bar with friends to goof around and have fun. Followed by a nice Netflix movie either at my house or her house.

If people were to give you a superlative, what do you think it would be?
Best Dancer

Mackenzie's the name, Campus Correspondant for Suffolk is my game.