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Original Illustration by Gina Escandon for Her Campus Media

New Student Organization Advocates for Neurodiversity in the College Setting

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Suffolk chapter.

Starting this fall semester, “Neurovariety,” a newly formed student organization at Suffolk University, will begin hosting meetings and interactive events on campus. Neurovariety is a student advocacy club, aiming to promote the knowledge and acceptance of neurodiversity among college students. 

The term “neurodivergent,” in simple terms, refers to variations in the human brain. These variations tend to impact mental or neurological functioning. It is an umbrella term referencing a wide spectrum, including but not limited to learning disabilities and mental disorders. According to the National Institutes of Health, between 15 and 20 percent of the world is impacted by neurodivergence. 

Understanding neurodiversity in the college setting is essential. With the transition to college often involving increased independence and larger group settings, neurodivergent individuals often experience unique challenges. As a university, it is important that we are aware of these situations in order to ensure that all students are fairly accommodated. 

Suffolk’s Neurovariety club will focus on supporting and raising awareness for neurodivergence through a combination of group discussions and fun activities. The club’s first general meeting will take place this Friday. Next week, the club will be hosting a “Hyperfixation Night,” featuring various activity stations, including a show-and-tell allowing students to showcase their special interests. 

Throughout the semester, the club hopes to shed light on neurodiverse groups and, in doing so, create an inclusive, accepting environment open to all students in the Suffolk community. 

Follow Suffolk’s Neurovariety club on Instagram at @s.u.neurovariety for more information and club details.

Kaviya is a junior studying psychology. Her hobbies include drawing and reading thriller/mystery novels, and she hopes to work in the field of clinical psychology one day.