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The Interview: How to Match Your Outfit to Your Resume

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Suffolk chapter.

The Power Suit:

You have graduated from college and the pencil skirt ladies. Hit the pavement with confidence and power and invest in a suit. I know it seems scary and looks serious but that’s the look you want. A power suit says “I’m professional, I can pull myself together, and I can represent your company”. No need for designer labels unless you can splurge for that. Banana Republic or J. Crew should suit you just fine


Closed Toe Shoes Only:

I’m sure your new pedicure is beautiful but ladies, keep ‘em tucked away for now! When interviewing for a big girl job, the last thing you want your interviewer focused on is your freshly painted perfectly polished toe-nails: I cannot stress this enough: NO OPEN TOED SHOES!  Flats, heels, booties, flat boots would all suffice for this look. Absolutely no sneakers or stilettoes (if you can’t walk properly it’s not a good look)


No Tank Tops Allowed:

If your shoulders are visible that’s not professional. Remember, you have not been hired yet, it doesn’t matter if it’s 90 degrees out; bring a change of clothes and do a quick change before you go in to avoid sweat stains.


Find a Happy Medium Between too Tight & too Loose:

Yes ladies there is a difference and it is HUGE. You’re trying to walk away with a job, not a couple of phone numbers so leave your tight pants for the club and go with a comfier looser look. Test your pants before you go; if you comfortably do a squat without fear of ripping the pants you have on, you’re clear.

Currently a senior at Suffolk University majoring in Public Relations, I am excited to be finishing up my undergraduate career. Prior to working with Her Campus I interned at Rosie's Place, a non profit that works with struggling women and child. I currently waitress part time while going to school and working at Her Campus. Being a member of the Suffolk Her Campus chapter for 3 years now you can find some of my content there or in the giveaway section of the website!  In my free time I enjoy playing tennis, running, roller blading The Charles, cooking, spending time with my family and friends, overcaffinating myself at Starbucks, or binge watching Sex in The City for the 75th time. Upon graduation I wouldn't be opposed to staying in Boston nor would I be opposed to traveling elsewhere, preferably somewhere warm after these crazy winters.