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How To Relieve Stress During Testing Season

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Suffolk chapter.

With the overwhelming stress of midterms, it’s easy to lose focus on yourself. For those late nights cramming and long days spent in the library, it helps to have some good ways to unwind. Here are a few tips on how to keep yourself in check and keep your mind at ease during midterms!

1. Breathe: You can’t retain anything with a clogged mind. Take 5 minutes out of your studying to sit back and breathe. I know it sounds a little odd but seriously try it. Take a deep breath in and out a few times, roll your head left and right, and even stand and stretch because it helps you more than you would imagine. Doing so gives you the ability to relax your body and mind without having to leave your room and risk the temptation of any outside distractions.

2. Exercise: Take an hour to get up and moving! Exercise is a huge stress reliever. Hit up a workout class or check out a yoga class for the ultimate stress reliever and the best way to relax your mind and body. Go for a run or visit your regular gym and take an hour to regroup! Take advantage of the weather while you still can and take it outside to relive your body from the books.  

3. Treat yourself: Studying with chipped nails is a major distraction! Take yourself out for a manicure and just sit, relax, and enjoy the hand massage and pick out a cute color. This should take no more than 45 minutes depending upon your travel and wait time.

4. Refuel: Whether you run out for something or stay in to make a quick snack, refueling is always a great way to get a quick break from studying. My personal favorite studying snacks are avocados on toast paired with hot lemon water. Although this is somewhat of a distraction, it will refuel your brain and body and give you more energy to continue studying.

5. Take a long hot shower or bath: I swear this is God sent. Close the books for a while and step into the shower or a nice hot bath. This will fully relax your mind and body. This may result in sleepiness so I would advise you to make yourself a cup of coffee to follow. 

Currently a senior at Suffolk University majoring in Public Relations, I am excited to be finishing up my undergraduate career. Prior to working with Her Campus I interned at Rosie's Place, a non profit that works with struggling women and child. I currently waitress part time while going to school and working at Her Campus. Being a member of the Suffolk Her Campus chapter for 3 years now you can find some of my content there or in the giveaway section of the website!  In my free time I enjoy playing tennis, running, roller blading The Charles, cooking, spending time with my family and friends, overcaffinating myself at Starbucks, or binge watching Sex in The City for the 75th time. Upon graduation I wouldn't be opposed to staying in Boston nor would I be opposed to traveling elsewhere, preferably somewhere warm after these crazy winters. 
Mackenzie's the name, Campus Correspondant for Suffolk is my game.