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Fundraising for Suicide Prevention: The 2022 Samaritans’ Annual 5K Run/Walk

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Suffolk chapter.

On September 24, 2022, Samaritans held their 24th annual 5K Run/Walk for suicide prevention. This event took place in Artesani Park in Brighton MA, with over 1400 participants coming together to honor those lost to sucide. 

Samaritans Inc. is a social services organization serving various regions across Massachusetts. The organization provides free suicide prevention services including 24/7 helplines, grief support services, and suicide prevention education and workshops. With the help of many volunteers, Samaritans aims to make a difference to those in the community who are struggling and in need of help. In the year 2021, the organization answered over 78,000 calls and texts, as well as reaching over 9,800 people at suicide prevention workshops and events. 

The annual 5K Run/Walk for Suicide Prevention is Samaritans’ largest annual event, started in 1999 and re-starting in person this past week after being fully online for the past two years. This event raises money through registration fees and donations and is put on with the help of generous volunteers and donors in the community. All proceeds from this event are put towards Samaritans’ services, helping the organization to provide free assistance to the community. This year’s annual 5K has raised $584.7K as of today, and the organization is hoping to raise more in the following weeks to reach their goal of $610K.

As mentioned, this year’s 5K had over 1400 participants. The event included a virtual option, allowing individuals to participate from their homes, walking or running in their local neighborhoods. These participants, through this event, have been able to come together as a community and support each other in their deep care for suicide prevention and their grief for lost loved ones. 

As stated by the Samaritans’s organization, “we run because we have witnessed year after year this very magic – where beauty, healing, unity, and hope all radiate from one event.”

If you or a loved one is struggling with suicidal thoughts or grief, help is available. Speak with someone today by calling 988, the Suicide and Crisis Lifeline. This number, when called from Massachusetts, connects you with the Samaritans organization, and connects you with another local helpline if called from elsewhere. 

Visit https://samaritanshope.org/ to view the organization’s services and learn how to get involved. 

Kaviya is a junior studying psychology. Her hobbies include drawing and reading thriller/mystery novels, and she hopes to work in the field of clinical psychology one day.