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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Suffolk chapter.

It’s that time of the year again! Yeah, you know what time. The leaves in the Common are just about to start changing colors and falling off, and it is finally the time of year for oversized sweaters, pumpkin spice and apple pie. It’s already fall and if this winter is going to be anything like last year, we better enjoy it! Here are a few fun things in and around the Boston area that you can do to make this fall the best one yet.


Oktoberfest & Street Band

October 11th, 12pm-6pm

Harvard Square

Beer, music, food and more.



Multiple dates through late October


Laugh your butt off and dress for fake blood splatter at this gory, spooky, hilarious show.


Pumpkin Festival

October 17th, 5:30pm-7:30pm

Boston Common Frog Pond

Bring a tiny (8 inch diameter or smaller) hollowed out pumpkin to float in the frog pond. Music, games, food and fun provided!


Monster in the Mirror

October 23rd/24th, 29th/31st

Responsible Grace, Somerville

Come listen to classic horror stories told on stage, amped up with light and sound features.


Halloween Pet Parade

October 24th, 12pm

Faneuil Hall Marketplace

Boston’s cutest pets dressed up in costumes. Show off your pet or just enjoy everyone else’s.


The W Halloween Eve

October 30th, 9pm-2am

W Boston

Wear your best costume to this masquerade dance party. Must be 21+


Halloween Horror Marathon

October 31st 12am-12pm

Coolidge Corner Theater

Scary movie marathon and costume contest



Her Campus Suffolk’s Pretty in Pink Party

October 21st, 6pm-9pm

Bleacher Bar, Fenway Park


Support Breast Cancer Awareness month by joining Suffolk’s Her Campus girls at the annual Pretty in Pink party. Killer raffles, food and fun for a good cause!


Suffolk’s GrooveBoston Halloween Bash

October 29th, 7pm-10pm

Royale Nightclub

Make sure to grab your ticket on the 4th floor of Donahue for this haunted dance party hosted by Groove Boston and Program Council exclusively for Suffolk students.