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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Suffolk chapter.

If your into the club scene in Boston,
there is a very good chance you’ve seen
this Campus Celeb in action.

Name: Dan Wairi aka DJ Obie
Year of Graduation: 2009
Major: Communication, Advertising
Astrological Sign: Scorpio
Hometown: Somerville, MA

Me: What was your favorite part of Suffolk?
Dan: The location. I liked commuting into Boston every morning, never seeing the same thing or the same people twice. It made me feel like an “adult.”

Me: What made you get involved in the music business?
Dan: I kind of fell into it. When I first entered colege I wanted to do TV, but I enrolled in classes late so all that was left was a radio class. So I figured “What the heck, its almost the same thing.” The professor for the radio class had taught Jim Clerkin; the producer of Kiss 108’s Matty in the Morning show, and every semester she sent her favorite student to be an intern on the show. I still feel blessed she chose me, as I have been working in radio ever since taking that class freshman year.

Me: How did you start DJ’ing?
Dan: When I was interning at KISS I felt like EVERYONE who worked there was a DJ, so I was always curious about it. One day Rich Dimare, another producer for Matty In the Morning asked me to help him carry his equipment and set up a wedding he was DJ’ing. After seeing how much fun he was having I went out and bought my 1st set up and began practicing. For 18 months no one knew I was DJ’ing, I was just down in my basement practicing for hours on end. Slowly I started doing some house parties around Somerville, then some smaller bars in the city. I DJ’d my highschool reunion at the Greatest Bar and was noticed by some promoters. Since then I have been DJ’ing in Boston.

Me: What was your favorite gig you ever did?
Tie. The Barstool Sports Booze Cruise Series last summer were awesome –two parties of over 1,000 people. I’ve never felt that kind of energy from a crowd before. And this summer I was invited to DJ at Sway Lounge in NYC. It was my 1st time ever in New York City, and I have never played for a crowd and venue so open to ALL different types of music. I am hoping to return back there in the fall.

Facebook: DJ OBie
Twitter: @DJ_OBie
Soundcloud: DJ Obie

Hey! I'm Lisa and I am a senior at Suffolk. I am a Public Relations major with a minor in marketing.