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Danny Allen

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Suffolk chapter.

Full Name:Danny Allen
Academic Year/major:Sophomore-Entrepreneurship/Finance
Hometown:  Cold Spring Harbor, New York
Ethnicity:Greek, Irish, Italian
Relationship Status:Single
Favorite movie and why?  Back to the future. It is just one of those movies that you can watch a million times an never get tired of it.
Biggest Turn on with a girl?:  When a girl has a nice personality and dresses well.  
Biggest Turn off:When a girl is very arrogant and conceited.  Another turn off is when a girl is loud and obnoxious and doesn’t care. 
What would you say is your “type”:  nice face/smile, good personality, dresses well.
Favorite song and why?  Fix You by Coldplay.  After listening to that song anything is possible. 
Celebrity Crush and why:  Ivanka Trump because she is beautiful and intelligent. 
One thing you want to do before you graduate?  Meet the president.
Future Career Goals/Ambitions?: I’d like to start my own business and create something innovative.
Hobbies/Interests:playing basketball, baseball, football, going to the beach, entrepreneurship, the stock market, psychology
What would you consider your best feature?:My smile
What is the nicest thing a girl has ever done for you?Help me study for math.
Most embarrassing moment (keep it relatively appropriate):  When I lost to a 60 year old man in one on one. 
3 things you would bring with you to a deserted island?Photos of friends and family, a barbeque, and a radio. 
Best part about your Suffolk experience so far?  I’ve enjoyed meeting knew people from different cultures, as well as building good relationships with my professors and exploring the city of Boston. 
Whats an interesting fact about you most people don’t know?  I had perfect attendance through grades 2nd-5th.
Most romantic thing you’ve done for a girl/women?When I wrote a letter to a girl telling her how much I liked her.

Mackenzie's the name, Campus Correspondant for Suffolk is my game.