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Beauty Blog: 3 Ethical Ways to Keep Your Hands Feeling Smooth This Season

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Suffolk chapter.

From the food I buy to the coffee I drink the morning, I am an avid believer in fair-trade, organic, and vegetarian products. Most of you might think I’m some kind of New-Age animal rights freak, but I have a valid point (promise!).

We’re all concerned with what we put in our mouths, so why aren’t we doing the same for what we put on our skin? Our skin absorbs just as much from skin products as it does the nutrients in our food! There are a lot of lotions and treatments out there with mercury, gelatins, and silicones that don’t serve your pores any justice. Would you ever eat mercury, silicones, or gross synthetics? Didn’t think so.

These are just small samples of what’s considered “safe” in the cosmetic industry, so my question is why not use what mother nature has already given us? The skin on our faces matters just as much as the skin on our hands. Check out these ethical products to fight the winter dryness along with some homemade recipes to keep ‘em happy, moisturized, and healthy!

Lush’s Lemony Flutter



This stuff works because it has a lot of moisturizing butters and essential oils to relieve cracked hands from the nipping cold air. From mango butter to avocado oil, Lemony Flutter is awesome because it softens up dry elbows and rough cuticles and brightens skin for a beautiful ever-glowing skin touch up! Lemony Flutter also has a ton of soothing and fortifying shea butter to grow healthy nail beds. This product is a definite must have to fight dry hands!



Homemade Papaya Almond Scrub

Did you know fruits have loads of strengthening enzymes in them? This Papaya Almond scrub is super easy to make on your own, and helps remove any dead skin that you might have from the cold weather. In order to make this scrub, you will need 1 tablespoon of papaya, one teaspoon of sugar, one teaspoon of honey, and 1/2 teaspoon of lemon juice. Mash the papaya in a small bowl, then add the rest of the ingredients. Stir all the ingredients together until you see a paste forming. Place the paste in the refrigerator for ten minutes, then apply generously all over your hands and cuticles. This scrub will also add the burst of enzymes your skin is craving (fun fact: the honey is an awesome and natural antiseptic), then finish by applying your favorite lotion or oil (olive oil or coconut oil are the best)!


Dr. Bronner’s Peppermint Bar Soap

This soap smells like the first taste of a winter candy cane. The reason why I specifically chose Dr. Bronner’s Peppermint Bar Soap is because peppermint relieves and soothes sore hands by stimulating the blood flow to the area where you’re scrubbing. By creating blood flow, your hands will feel tingly and rejuvenated, while smelling delicious! I would suggest to get this soap for every sink you have in your apartment or house because it’ll keep your hands springing with the vitality they’re looking for from a long day in the cold winter air or the dry winter fires.