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17 Times We All Related to North West

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Suffolk chapter.

When we were all obsessed with Bobby Shmurda for, like, two weeks, yet none of us could properly do the dance.


When the teacher tried to tell the class something as you’re all walking out.


When your best friend wanted to dress up as a pair for Halloween but you got stuck with the ugly costume.


So you guys agreed to be the same thing, but at the party you see another pair has the same costume as you.


And then you “accidentally” hooked up with an ex and try to get outta there in cognito.


When you get cat-called from behind.


When you catch your best friend’s FWB flirting with another girl.


And then you tell your best friend and you know she’s pissed.


So of course, when you guys see him in class, it’s hard to act natural.


When you’ve had too much to drink and your friends have to drag you out of the club.


When you’ve silently farted and wonder if anyone else can smell it.


When you catch someone wearing open-toed shoes with unpainted toe nails.


When you’re trying to stay awake in your three hour lecture.


When Thirsty Thursday was too real and you have a Friday morning class.


Finals week.


The first weekend home after your finals and you just want to be babied by your mom.


Just remember: no matter how old you might feel, you’re still just a baby. It’s okay to make mistakes; just keep smiling that adorable little smile and you’ll be fine.