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10 Reasons Why Sophomore Year Beats Freshmen Year

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Suffolk chapter.

As I’ve made it through the first month of my sophomore year, I can’t help but constantly notice everything that is different from freshmen year. I have heard sophomore year described as the “lost year”, where you’re not technically an upperclassmen, yet you’re no freshman either. After talking to other sophomores both here at Suffolk and at other schools, I’ve noticed some similarities and put together 10 ways your sophomore year differs (and is better) than your freshmen year:


1.) You’re More Independent

You do way more on your own than you did as a freshman. Instead of running every errand with a squad and planning all your time around them, you prefer to do things yourself.


2.) Doing School Work is More Routine

As a freshman you were constantly distracted by outside influences, and often completed your homework with your friends on their time. This year you get your stuff done, whether it be at the library or at your desk.


3.) You’re Comfortable Around the City

Freshmen year you may have used your Maps feature more than you’d like to admit, and you only ventured out with friends. Now you’re all over the city with full confidence.


4.) You No Longer Have FOMO (Fear of Missing Out)

The pressure of feeling like you need to go out is gone. Sometimes you’re perfectly content with staying in, and don’t hesitate to turn down invitations.


5.) But When You Want to Go Out You Can Make the Plans:

So often freshmen get stuck “following” the crowd, and end up never doing things they actually want to do. As a sophomore it’s easier to initiate your own plans and actually do what you want to do.


6.) You’ve Learned to Balance

From moving away from home and now having roommates, to adjusting to classes and trying to meet new friends, freshmen year is tough. It might have been hard for you to balance school with your new social life, while also trying to stay in contact with you’re friends from home. This year things seem to fall into place, and you’re loving it.


7.) You’ve Found What You Want to be Apart of

Whether it’s a sorority, radio club, or a performing arts group, as a sophomore you know what you want to be part of. As a freshman you may have joined everything and then didn’t follow through with anything, or you may not have joined anything at all because your friends weren’t. You know what interests you now as a sophomore and can put your best foot forward.


8.) Your Housing Situation Doesn’t Totally Suck (Hopefully)

Maybe you moved off campus to a cute apartment, or decided to commute from home. Maybe you got a high lottery number and got to pick a sweet apartment in 10 West with some of your favorite people, or are living the single life as an RA. Whatever it is, chances are your housing situation is an upgrade from last year.


9.) As Sad as it is, You’ve Gotten Used to Not Seeing Your Parents

Freshmen can’t wait to get to college and leave home. That is until they realize that they now live at school, and it isn’t just a weird summer camp sleep over. It might have hit you during your first month, it might have hit you during your last month, but chances are you were homesick at one point during your freshmen year. Now, you’re used to the feeling, and your visits home mean that much more.


10.) You Actually Like Your Classes (Well, some of them)

With the majority of your annoying requirement courses out of the way, many sophomores begin to take classes in their major, or at least related to it. This makes your classes more interesting, which motivates you in the course. Hopefully you’re not hating all of your classes this semester, and if you are, I hope this list put a positive spin on your year.