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Top 5 Tips Preparing to Studying Abroad

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Strath chapter.

Moving abroad to a new country to study for the first time is daunting to say the least!!

You count down until your departure day comes, you pack weeks in advance and imagine what lies in front of you as you embark on this adventure. It is a rollercoaster of emotions to say the least but if you are in this position do not fear the best experience of your life is right in front of you and our top 5 tips will put your mind at ease…

1. Be confident in yourself! Think about it, you must have done something right to be in the position you are in to even have this opportunity. So own it, give your best and believe in yourself.

2. You will make friends! There is no denying one of the major fears before beginning this adventure is ‘what if I don’t make friends?’ Trust us when we say you WILL!!! And they will become friends for life.

3. Everyone gets home sick and it’s okay. You are in a totally new country which might be the first time you’ve ever been away from home, everyone has been there. But you just need to remember you will be back home soon with memories to last a lifetime and share with your loved ones and home is only a phone call away so stay positive girl you’ve got this!!!

4. Take pictures!!!! This is a massive experience in your life and you know when you think back in years to come, or tell your kids about the first time you ever left home you want to be able to look back and think about all of the good times and of course how much you should not have worn that dress at the new student mixer…don’t you?

5. Stay positive. You will soon realise the experience is not all smooth sailing but what fun would it be if it was? The hardships you may face when you’re away be it burning your first home cooked meal or getting locked out your new flat will make you stronger and become the hilarious memories for you to look back on and just laugh! So no matter what stay positive and remember the prettiest thing a girl can ever wear is a smile so own it!!!


At HC Strath we wish anyone going on a study abroad experience the best of luck and to embrace it as much as you can!

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I'm Marjorie, studying towards a BA Hons Degree in International Business. I have always lived in Glasgow and love what it has to offer in terms of shopping, restaurants and nightlife! In September 2016, I embarked on my international exchange to Milan, Italy for 4 months which I absolutely loved!! Studying abroad allowed me to meet some lovely new friends, taste delicious food and visit beautiful lakes and cities nearby. I love going out with friends, getting dressed up, trying new things and meeting new people!